Sanaa Sharaf
Sanaa Sharaf
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, King Abdulaziz University
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Cited by
Fuzzy approximation-based optimal consensus control for nonlinear multiagent systems via adaptive dynamic programming
H Zhao, H Wang, N Xu, X Zhao, S Sharaf
Neurocomputing 553, 126529, 2023
Reachable set control for discrete-time Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy singular Markov jump system
L Zhang, G Zong, X Zhao, N Zhao, S Sharaf
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 31 (9), 3173-3184, 2023
Event-based reachable set synthesis for continuous delayed fuzzy singularly perturbed systems
L Zhang, J Wang, X Zhao, N Zhao, S Sharaf
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 71 (1), 246-250, 2023
Smart homes and families to enable sustainable societies: a data-driven approach for multi-perspective parameter discovery using BERT modelling
E Alqahtani, N Janbi, S Sharaf, R Mehmood
Sustainability 14 (20), 13534, 2022
A secure G-cloud-based framework for government healthcare services
S Sharaf, NF Shilbayeh
IEEE Access 7, 37876-37882, 2019
Enabling service-level agreement renegotiation through extending WS-Agreement specification
S Sharaf, K Djemame
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 9, 177-191, 2015
Selecweb: a software tool for automatic selection of web frameworks
T Muhammed, R Mehmood, E Abozinadah, S Sharaf
Smart Infrastructure and Applications: Foundations for Smarter Cities and …, 2020
Extending ws-agreement to support renegotiation of dynamic grid slas
S Sharaf, K Djemame
eChallenges e-2010 Conference, 1-8, 2010
Self-upgraded cat mouse optimizer with machine learning driven lung cancer classification on computed tomography imaging
M Ragab, I Katib, SA Sharaf, FY Assiri, D Hamed, AAM Al-Ghamdi
IEEE Access 11, 107972-107981, 2023
Prediction and correction of software defects in message-passing interfaces using a static analysis tool and machine learning
NA Al-Johany, FE Eassa, SA Sharaf, AY Noaman, A Ahmed
IEEE Access 11, 60668-60680, 2023
Blockchain based remote patient monitoring system
B Al-Ahmadi, S Sharaf
Journal of King Abdulaziz University Computing and Information Technology …, 2019
Hybrid load balancing approach based on the integration of QoS and power consumption in cloud computing
HS Alatawi, SA Sharaf
International Journal 10 (2), 2021
Toward efficient cloud services: an energy-aware hybrid load balancing approach
HS Alatawi, SA Sharaf
2020 international conference on computing and information technology (ICCIT …, 2020
An architecture for a tri-programming model-based parallel hybrid testing tool
SM Altalhi, FE Eassa, ASAM Al-Ghamdi, SA Sharaf, AM Alghamdi, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (21), 11960, 2023
Review of Load Balancing Algorithms Inspired by Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm in the Cloud Computing
HS Alatawi, SA Sharaf
International Journal 12 (5), 2023
Human gait modelling and tracking based on motion functionalisation
R Sun, S Sharaf, BJ Ali
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 7 (2), 21-30, 2022
An Application of Dynamic Service Level Agreements in a Risk-Aware Grid Environment.
SAM Sharaf, K Djemame
GCA, 3-9, 2009
Advanced mathematical modeling of mitigating security threats in smart grids through deep ensemble model
SA Sharaf, M Ragab, N Albogami, A AL-Malaise AL-Ghamdi, MF Sabir, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 23069, 2024
MCM of Student's Physical Health Based on Mathematical Cone
H Wang, S Sharaf, HMA Aldeeb
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 7 (2), 41-48, 2022
Analysis and synthesis of function data of human movement
Y Ma, S Sharaf
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 7 (1), 917-926, 2022
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Articles 1–20