Dan L Worrell
Dan L Worrell
Professor of Strategy, University of Arkansas
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An integrative model for understanding and managing ethical behavior in business organizations
WE Stead, DL Worrell, JG Stead
Journal of business ethics 9, 233-242, 1990
Layoff announcements and stockholder wealth
DL Worrell, WN Davidson III, VM Sharma
Academy of management Journal 34 (3), 662-678, 1991
Corporate environmental initiatives and anticipated firm performance: the differential effects of process-driven versus product-driven greening initiatives
KM Gilley, DL Worrell, WN Davidson III, A El–Jelly
Journal of management 26 (6), 1199-1216, 2000
Research notes and communications: The effect of product recall announcements on shareholder wealth
WN Davidson III, DL Worrell
Strategic management journal 13 (6), 467-473, 1992
A comparison and test of the use of accounting and stock-market data in relating corporate social-responsibility and financial performance
WN Davidson, DL Worrell
Akron business and economic review 21 (3), 7-19, 1990
Management turnover through deaths of key executives: Effects on investor wealth
DL Worrell, WN Davidson III, PR Chandy, SL Garrison
Academy of Management Journal 29 (4), 674-694, 1986
One hat too many: Key executive plurality and shareholder wealth
DL Worrell, C Nemec, WN DAVIDSON III
Strategic Management Journal 18 (6), 499-507, 1997
Key executive succession and stockholder wealth: The influence of successorys origin, position, and age
WN Davidson III, DL Worrell, L Cheng
Journal of Management 16 (3), 647-664, 1990
Influencing managers to change unpopular corporate behavior through boycotts and divestitures: A stock market test
WN Davidson III, DL Worrell, A El-Jelly
Business & Society 34 (2), 171-196, 1995
Stockholder reactions to departures and appointments of key executives attributable to firings
DL Worrell, WN Davidson III, JL Glascock
Academy of Management Journal 36 (2), 387-401, 1993
Stock market reactions to announced corporate illegalities
WN Davidson, DL Worrell, CI Lee
Journal of Business Ethics 13, 979-987, 1994
The stock market effects of CEO succession in bankrupt firms
WN Davidson III, DL Worrell, D Dutia
Journal of Management 19 (3), 517-533, 1993
The effect of CEO succession on stockholder wealth in large firms following the death of the predecessor
DL Worrell, WN Davidson III
Journal of Management 13 (3), 509-515, 1987
Early retirement programs and firm performance
WN Davidson III, DL Worrell, JB Fox
Academy of Management Journal 39 (4), 970-984, 1996
Regulatory pressure and environmental management infrastructure and practices
WN Davidson III, DL Worrell
Business & Society 40 (3), 315-342, 2001
Succession planning vs. agency theory: A test of Harris and Helfat's interpretation of plurality announcement market returns
WN Davidson III, C Nemec, DL Worrell
Strategic Management Journal 22 (2), 179-184, 2001
Industrial origin of CEOs in outside succession: Board preference and stockholder reaction
WN Davidson, C Nemec, DL Worrell, J Lin
Journal of Management and Governance 6, 295-321, 2002
Assessing business scholarship: The difficulties in moving beyond the rigor-relevance paradigm trap
DL Worrell
Academy of Management Learning & Education 8 (1), 127-130, 2009
Determinants of CEO age at succession
WN Davidson III, C Nemec, DL Worrell
Journal of Management & Governance 10 (1), 35-57, 2006
The effectiveness of OSHA penalties: a stock‐market‐based test
WND III, D Worrell, LTW Cheng
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 33 (3), 283-296, 1994
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Articles 1–20