Steven Elmer
Steven Elmer
Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, Michigan Technological
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Joint-specific power production during submaximal and maximal cycling
S Elmer, P Barratt, T Korff, J Martin
ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive, 2010
Exercise with blood flow restriction to improve quadriceps function long after ACL reconstruction
MA Kilgas, LLM Lytle, SN Drum, SJ Elmer
International journal of sports medicine 40 (10), 650-656, 2019
Improvements in multi‐joint leg function following chronic eccentric exercise
S Elmer, S Hahn, P McAllister, C Leong, J Martin
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 22 (5), 653-661, 2012
A cycling workstation to facilitate physical activity in office settings
SJ Elmer, JC Martin
Applied Ergonomics 45 (4), 1240-1246, 2014
Joint-specific power-pedaling rate relationships during maximal cycling
J McDaniel, NS Behjani, SJ Elmer, NAT Brown, JC Martin
Journal of applied biomechanics 30 (3), 423-430, 2014
Chronic eccentric cycling improves quadriceps muscle structure and maximum cycling power
CH Leong, WJ McDermott, SJ Elmer, JC Martin
International journal of sports medicine 35 (07), 559-565, 2014
Blended learning within an undergraduate exercise physiology laboratory
SJ Elmer, KR Carter, AJ Armga, JR Carter
Advances in Physiology Education 40 (1), 64-69, 2016
Fatigue is specific to working muscles: no cross-over with single-leg cycling in trained cyclists
SJ Elmer, M Amann, J McDaniel, DT Martin, JC Martin
European journal of applied physiology 113, 479-488, 2013
Effect of crank length on joint-specific power during maximal cycling
PR Barratt, T Korff, SJ Elmer, JC Martin
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 43 (9), 1689-1697, 2011
Alterations in neuromuscular function and perceptual responses following acute eccentric cycling exercise
SJ Elmer, J McDaniel, JC Martin
European Journal of Applied Physiology 110, 1225-1233, 2010
Joint-specific power absorption during eccentric cycling
SJ Elmer, ML Madigan, PC LaStayo, JC Martin
Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2), 154-158, 2010
Limb blood flow and tissue perfusion during exercise with blood flow restriction
MA Kilgas, J McDaniel, J Stavres, BS Pollock, TJ Singer, SJ Elmer
European Journal of Applied Physiology 119, 377-387, 2019
Moving student research forward during the COVID-19 pandemic
SJ Elmer, JJ Durocher
Advances in Physiology Education 44 (4), 741-743, 2020
Development of a novel eccentric arm cycle ergometer for training the upper body.
SJ Elmer, J Danvind, HC Holmberg
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 45 (1), 206-211, 2013
Physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness as modulators of health outcomes: A compelling research-based case presented to the medical community
BA Franklin, IJ Wedig, RE Sallis, CJ Lavie, SJ Elmer
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 98 (2), 316-331, 2023
Infographic. Stay physically active during COVID-19 with exercise as medicine
IJ Wedig, TA Duelge, SJ Elmer
British journal of sports medicine 55 (6), 346-347, 2021
Knee extension with blood flow restriction: Impact of cuff pressure on hemodynamics
TJ Singer, J Stavres, SJ Elmer, MA Kilgas, BS Pollock, SG Kearney, ...
European journal of applied physiology 120, 79-90, 2020
Joint-specific power loss after eccentric exercise.
SJ Elmer, JC Martin
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 42 (9), 1723-1730, 2010
Effects of pedal speed and crank length on pedaling mechanics during submaximal cycling
PR Barratt, JC Martin, SJ Elmer, T Korff
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48 (4), 705, 2016
Biomechanics of counterweighted one-legged cycling
SJ Elmer, J McDaniel, JC Martin
Journal of applied biomechanics 32 (1), 78-85, 2016
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Articles 1–20