Muhammad Murtadha Othman
Muhammad Murtadha Othman
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam
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IOP conference series: materials science and engineering
G Das, S Biswas
IOP Publishing. 338 (1), 012056, 2018
Delay mitigation in the Malaysian construction industry
H Abdul-Rahman, MA Berawi, AR Berawi, O Mohamed, M Othman, ...
Journal of construction engineering and management 132 (2), 125-133, 2006
Mortality of emergency abdominal surgery in high-, middle-and low-income countries
Journal of British Surgery 103 (8), 971-988, 2016
Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators in unbalanced distribution systems using supervised big bang-big crunch method
MM Othman, W El-Khattam, YG Hegazy, AY Abdelaziz
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (2), 911-919, 2014
Optimal allocation of stochastically dependent renewable energy based distributed generators in unbalanced distribution networks
AY Abdelaziz, YG Hegazy, W El-Khattam, MM Othman
Electric Power Systems Research 119, 34-44, 2015
Construction and performance investigation of three-phase solar PV and battery energy storage system integrated UPQC
MA Mansor, K Hasan, MM Othman, SZBM Noor, I Musirin
Ieee Access 8, 103511-103538, 2020
Optimal placement and sizing of voltage controlled distributed generators in unbalanced distribution networks using supervised firefly algorithm
MM Othman, W El-Khattam, YG Hegazy, AY Abdelaziz
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 82, 105-113, 2016
Pooled analysis of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist use and mortality after emergency laparotomy
Journal of British Surgery 106 (2), e103-e112, 2019
Crisis informatics in the context of social media crisis communication: Theoretical models, taxonomy, and open issues
UA Bukar, MA Jabar, F Sidi, RNHB Nor, S Abdullah, M Othman
IEEE access 8, 185842-185869, 2020
Future directions in Malaysian environment friendly renewable energy technologies research and development
K Sopian, MY Othman, B Yatim, WRW Daud
ISESCO Science and Technology Vision 1, 30-36, 2005
Development of a questionnaire for assessing factors predicting blood donation among university students: a pilot study
M Jalalian, L Latiff, STS Hassan, P Hanachi, M Othman
Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 41 (3), 660, 2010
Measurement of indoor radon levels in Erbil capital by using solid state nuclear track detectors
HH Mansour, S Per Khdar, HY Abdulla, NQ Muhamad, MM Othman, ...
Radiation measurements 40 (2-6), 544-547, 2005
Optimal unified power flow controller application to enhance total transfer capability
A Rajabi‐Ghahnavieh, M Fotuhi‐Firuzabad, M Othman
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (4), 358-368, 2015
Synthesis and characterization of Cu-doped ZnO nanorods
SY Pung, CS Ong, KM Isha, MH Othman
Sains Malaysiana 43 (2), 273-281, 2014
Project complexity influence on project management performance–The Malaysian perspective
SM Abdou, K Yong, M Othman
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00065, 2016
Available transfer capability assessment using evolutionary programming based capacity benefit margin
MM Othman, A Mohamed, A Hussain
international journal of electrical power & energy systems 28 (3), 166-176, 2006
Explicit and implicit 3-point block methods for solving special second order ordinary differential equations directly
F Ismail, YL Ken, M Othman
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 (5), 239-254, 2009
Fast evaluation of available transfer capability using cubic-spline interpolation technique
MM Othman, A Mohamed, A Hussain
Electric Power systems research 73 (3), 335-342, 2005
A new quarter sweep arithmetic mean (QSAM) method to solve diffusion equations
J Sulaiman, M Othman, MK Hasan
Chamchuri Journal of Mathematics 1 (2), 93-103, 2009
Comparison of wavelength propagation for free space optical communications
BS Naimullah, M Othman, AK Rahman, SI Sulaiman, S Ishak, S Hitam, ...
2008 International Conference on Electronic Design, 1-5, 2008
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Articles 1–20