Bradley  Mark Patterson
Bradley Mark Patterson
Retired CSIRO
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WHO technical report
JA Kanis, World Health Organization Scientific Group
University of Sheffield, UK 66, 2007
Colloid release and clogging in porous media: Effects of solution ionic strength and flow velocity
S Torkzaban, SA Bradford, JL Vanderzalm, BM Patterson, B Harris, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 181, 161-171, 2015
Managed aquifer recharge of treated wastewater: Water quality changes resulting from infiltration through the vadose zone
E Bekele, S Toze, B Patterson, S Higginson
Water Research 45 (17), 5764-5772, 2011
The variability and intrinsic remediation of a BTEX plume in anaerobic sulphate-rich groundwater
GB Davis, C Barber, TR Power, J Thierrin, BM Patterson, JL Rayner, Q Wu
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 36 (3-4), 265-290, 1999
Evidence for instantaneous oxygen‐limited biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon vapors in the subsurface
GB Davis, BM Patterson, MG Trefry
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 29 (1), 126-137, 2009
Field trial of contaminant groundwater monitoring: comparing time-integrating ceramic dosimeters and conventional water sampling
H Martin, BM Patterson, GB Davis, P Grathwohl
Environmental science & technology 37 (7), 1360-1364, 2003
Volatilisation and biodegradation during air sparging of dissolved BTEX-contaminated groundwater
CD Johnston, JL Rayner, BM Patterson, GB Davis
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 33 (3-4), 377-404, 1998
Natural degradation rates of BTEX compounds and naphthalene in a sulphate reducing groundwater environment
J Thierrin, GB Davis, C Barber, BM Patterson, F Pribac, TR Power, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 38 (4), 309-322, 1993
Benzotriazoles in the aquatic environment: a review of their occurrence, toxicity, degradation and analysis
MD Alotaibi, AJ McKinley, BM Patterson, AY Reeder
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226, 1-20, 2015
Measurement and modeling of temporal variations in hydrocarbon vapor behavior in a layered soil profile
GB Davis, JL Rayner, MG Trefry, SJ Fisher, BM Patterson
Vadose Zone Journal 4 (2), 225-239, 2005
Fate of nine recycled water trace organic contaminants and metal (loid) s during managed aquifer recharge into a anaerobic aquifer: column studies
BM Patterson, M Shackleton, AJ Furness, J Pearce, C Descourvieres, ...
Water research 44 (5), 1471-1481, 2010
Quantification of vapor intrusion pathways into a slab-on-ground building under varying environmental conditions
BM Patterson, GB Davis
Environmental science & technology 43 (3), 650-656, 2009
Behaviour and fate of nine recycled water trace organics during managed aquifer recharge in an aerobic aquifer
BM Patterson, M Shackleton, AJ Furness, E Bekele, J Pearce, KL Linge, ...
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 122 (1-4), 53-62, 2011
Geochemical controls on sediment reactivity and buffering processes in a heterogeneous aquifer
C Descourvières, N Hartog, BM Patterson, C Oldham, H Prommer
Applied Geochemistry 25 (2), 261-275, 2010
Aerobic bioremediation of 1, 2 dichloroethane and vinyl chloride at field scale
GB Davis, BM Patterson, CD Johnston
Journal of contaminant hydrology 107 (1-2), 91-100, 2009
Use of polymer mats in series for sequential reactive barrier remediation of ammonium-contaminated groundwater: laboratory column evaluation
BM Patterson, ME Grassi, GB Davis, BS Robertson, AJ McKinley
Environmental Science & Technology 36 (15), 3439-3445, 2002
Microbial biomass in a shallow, urban aquifer contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons: analysis by phospholipid fatty acid content and composition
PD Franzmann, BM Patterson, TR Power, PD Nichols, GB Davis
Journal of Applied Microbiology 80 (6), 617-625, 1996
Microbial mineralisation of benzene and characterisation of microbial biomass in soil above hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater
PD Franzmann, LR Zappia, TR Power, GB Davis, BM Patterson
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 30 (1), 67-76, 1999
Bioaugmentation of atrazine and fenamiphos impacted groundwater: laboratory evaluation
PD Franzmann, LR Zappia, AL Tilbury, BM Patterson, GB Davis, ...
Bioremediation Journal 4 (3), 237-248, 2000
Evaluating two infiltration gallery designs for managed aquifer recharge using secondary treated wastewater
E Bekele, S Toze, B Patterson, W Fegg, M Shackleton, S Higginson
Journal of environmental management 117, 115-120, 2013
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Articles 1–20