Prasanth A Pillai
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Global warming shifts the monsoon circulation, drying South Asia
H Annamalai, J Hafner, KP Sooraj, P Pillai
Journal of Climate 26 (9), 2701-2718, 2013
Role of ocean–atmosphere interaction on northward propagation of Indian summer monsoon intra-seasonal oscillations (MISO)
S Sharmila, PA Pillai, S Joseph, M Roxy, RPM Krishna, R Chattopadhyay, ...
Climate dynamics 41, 1651-1669, 2013
North Indian heavy rainfall event during June 2013: diagnostics and extended range prediction
S Joseph, AK Sahai, S Sharmila, S Abhilash, N Borah, R Chattopadhyay, ...
Climate Dynamics 44, 2049-2065, 2015
Monsoon mission: a targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales
SA Rao, BN Goswami, AK Sahai, EN Rajagopal, P Mukhopadhyay, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), 2509-2532, 2019
Simulation and extended range prediction of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in NCEP CFS/GFS version 2 framework
AK Sahai, S Sharmila, S Abhilash, R Chattopadhyay, N Borah, ...
Current Science, 1394-1408, 2013
Indian summer monsoon rainfall variability in response to differences in the decay phase of El Niño
JS Chowdary, HS Harsha, C Gnanaseelan, G Srinivas, A Parekh, P Pillai, ...
Climate Dynamics 48, 2707-2727, 2017
Seasonal prediction skill of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in NMME models and monsoon mission CFSv2
PA Pillai, SA Rao, DA Ramu, M Pradhan, G George
International Journal of Climatology, 2018
Prediction of seasonal summer monsoon rainfall over homogenous regions of India using dynamical prediction system
DA Ramu, SA Rao, PA Pillai, M Pradhan, G George, DN Rao, ...
Journal of Hydrology 546, 103-112, 2017
Intraseasonal variability of terrestrial biospheric CO2 fluxes over India during summer monsoons.
V Valsala, YK Tiwari, P Pillai, M Roxy, S Maksyutov, R Murtugudde
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118 (2), 752-769, 2013
How distinct are the two flavors of El Niño in retrospective forecasts of Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2)?
PA Pillai, SA Rao, G George, DN Rao, S Mahapatra, M Rajeevan, ...
Climate Dynamics 48, 3829-3854, 2017
Combined influence of remote and local SST forcing on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall variability
S Chakravorty, C Gnanaseelan, PA Pillai
Climate Dynamics 47, 2817-2831, 2016
Moist dynamics of active/break cycle of Indian summer monsoon rainfall from NCEPR2 and MERRA reanalysis.
PA Pillai, AK Sahai
International Journal of Climatology 34 (5), 2014
Individual and combined influence of El Nino–Southern oscillation and Indian Ocean dipole on the tropospheric biennial oscillation
PA Pillai, K Mohankumar
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2010
Moist dynamics of severe monsoons over South Asia: Role of the tropical SST
PA Pillai, H Annamalai
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 69 (1), 97-115, 2012
Indian summer monsoon intra-seasonal oscillation associated with the developing and decaying phase of El Niño.
PA Pillai, JS Chowdary
International Journal of Climatology 36 (4), 2016
Impact of El Niño Modoki on Indian summer monsoon rainfall: Role of western north Pacific circulation in observations and CMIP5 models
RA Dandi, JS Chowdary, PA Pillai, S Sidhan NS, K K, R SSVS
International Journal of Climatology 40 (4), 2117-2133, 2020
Potential predictability and actual skill of Boreal Summer Tropical SST and Indian summer monsoon rainfall in CFSv2-T382: Role of initial SST and teleconnections
PA Pillai, SA Rao, RS Das, K Salunke, A Dhakate
Climate Dynamics 51, 493-510, 2018
Performance of the operational and experimental long - range forecasts for the 2015 southwest monsoon rainfall
RM Pai DS, Suryachandra Rao, Soma Senroy, Maheswar Pradhan, Prasanth A Pillai
Current Science 112 (1), 68-75, 2017
Moisture dynamics of the northward and eastward propagating boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations: possible role of tropical Indo-west Pacific SST and circulation
PA Pillai, AK Sahai
Climate Dynamics 47, 1335-1350, 2016
Effect of late 1970's climate shift on tropospheric biennial oscillation—role of local Indian Ocean processes on Asian summer monsoon
PA Pillai, K Mohankumar
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2010
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