Silvana Regina Rockenbach Marin
Silvana Regina Rockenbach Marin
Other namesSilvana Rockenbach Marin
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Cited by
Implications of ethylene biosynthesis and signaling in soybean drought stress tolerance
FBM Arraes, MA Beneventi, ME Lisei de Sa, JFR Paixao, ...
BMC plant biology 15, 1-20, 2015
Genotypic diversity among Brazilian isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina revealed by RAPD
ÁMR Almeida, RV Abdelnoor, CAA Arias, VP Carvalho, DS Jacoud Filho, ...
Fitopatologia Brasileira 28, 279-285, 2003
Phenotyping soybean plants transformed with rd29A: AtDREB1A for drought tolerance in the greenhouse and field
AA de Paiva Rolla, J de Fátima Corrêa Carvalho, R Fuganti-Pagliarini, ...
Transgenic Research 23, 75-87, 2014
Characterization of soybean genetically modified for drought tolerance in field conditions
R Fuganti-Pagliarini, LC Ferreira, FA Rodrigues, HBC Molinari, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 448, 2017
Overexpression of the ABA-Dependent AREB1 Transcription Factor from Arabidopsis thaliana Improves Soybean Tolerance to Water Deficit
EGG Barbosa, JP Leite, SRR Marin, JP Marinho, ...
Plant molecular biology reporter 31, 719-730, 2013
Molecular, anatomical and physiological properties of a genetically modified soybean line transformed with rd29A: AtDREB1A for the improvement of drought tolerance.
AM Polizel, ME Medri, K Nakashima, N Yamanaka, JRB Farias, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research, Ribeirão Preto, v. 10, n. 4, p. 3641-3656 …, 2011
Identification of a new major QTL associated with resistance to soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines)
I Schuster, RV Abdelnoor, SRR Marin, VP Carvalho, RAS Kiihl, JFV Silva, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 102, 91-96, 2001
Pathogenicity, molecular characterization, and cercosporin content of Brazilian isolates of Cercospora kikuchii
ÁMR Almeida, FF Piuga, SRR Marin, E Binneck, F Sartori, LM Costamilan, ...
Fitopatologia Brasileira 30, 594-602, 2005
Detection and partial characterization of a carlavirus causing stem necrosis of soybean in Brazil
ÁMR Almeida, FF Piuga, SRR Marin, EW Kitajima, JO Gaspar, TG Oliveira, ...
Fitopatologia Brasileira 30, 191-194, 2005
Introduction of the rd29A: AtDREB2A CA gene into soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) and its molecular characterization in leaves and roots during dehydration
C Engels, R Fuganti-Pagliarini, SRR Marin, FC Marcelino-Guimarães, ...
Genetics and Molecular Biology 36, 556-565, 2013
Effect of crop rotation on specialization and genetic diversity of Macrophomina phaseolina
ÁMR Almeida, DR Sosa-Gomez, E Binneck, SRR Marin, MI Zucchi, ...
Tropical Plant Pathology 33, 257-264, 2008
Overexpression of AtNCED3 gene improved drought tolerance in soybean in greenhouse and field conditions
MDC Molinari, R Fuganti-Pagliarini, SRR Marin, LC Ferreira, DA Barbosa, ...
Genetics and molecular biology 43 (3), e20190292, 2020
Overexpression of the activated form of the AtAREB1 gene (AtAREB1 Delta QT) improves soybean responses to water deficit
JP Leite, EGG Barbosa, SRR Marin, JP Marinho, JFC Carvalho, ...
Funpec-editora, 2014
Characterization of powdery mildews strains from soybean, bean, sunflower, and weeds in Brazil using rDNA-ITS sequences
ÁMR Almeida, E Binneck, FF Piuga, SRR Marin, PRZ Valle, CA Silveira
Tropical Plant Pathology 33, 20-26, 2008
Characterization of molecular and physiological responses under water deficit of genetically modified soybean plants overexpressing the AtAREB1 transcription factor
JP Marinho, N Kanamori, LC Ferreira, R Fuganti-Pagliarini, ...
Plant molecular biology reporter 34, 410-426, 2016
Quantitative differential expression of alpha and beta ryanodine receptor genes in PSE (Pale, Soft, Exudative) meat from two chicken lines: broiler and layer
SHI Oda, AL Nepomuceno, MC Ledur, MCN Oliveira, SRR Marin, EI Ida, ...
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 52, 1519-1525, 2009
Molecular, physiological, and agronomical characterization, in greenhouse and in field conditions, of soybean plants genetically modified with AtGolS2 gene for …
PT Honna, R Fuganti-Pagliarini, LC Ferreira, MDC Molinari, SRR Marin, ...
Molecular Breeding 36, 1-17, 2016
Identificação de marcadores moleculares de microssatélites para seleção de genótipos de soja resistentes a Meloidogyne javanica
R Fuganti, MA Beneventi, JFV Silva, CAA Arias, SRR Marin, E Binneck, ...
Nematologia Brasileira 28 (2), 125-130, 2004
Population structure of the Brazilian southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula
DR Sosa-Gómez, JJ da Silva, F Costa, E Binneck, SRR Marin, ...
Journal of Insect Science 5 (1), 23, 2005
Necrose da haste da soja.
AMR Almeida, FF Piuga, EW Kitajima, JO Gaspar, N Valentin, LC Benato, ...
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Articles 1–20