Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities JS Perkin, KB Gido, AR Cooper, TF Turner, MJ Osborne, ER Johnson, ... Ecological monographs 85 (1), 73-92, 2015 | 220 | 2015 |
Introduced populations as genetic reservoirs for imperiled species: a case study of the Arkansas River Shiner (Notropis girardi) MJ Osborne, TA Diver, TF Turner Conservation Genetics, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Life history and environmental variation interact to determine effective population to census size ratio TF Turner, MJ Osborne, GR Moyer, MA Benavides, D Alo Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1605), 3065-3073, 2006 | 71 | 2006 |
Genetic monitoring and complex population dynamics: insights from a 12‐year study of the Rio Grande silvery minnow MJ Osborne, EW Carson, TF Turner Evolutionary Applications 5 (6), 553-574, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
Genetic distinctness of isolated populations of an endangered marsupial, the mountain pygmy‐possum, Burramys parvus MJ Osborne, JA Norman, L Christidis, ND Murray Molecular Ecology 9 (5), 609-613, 2000 | 49 | 2000 |
Molecular phylogenetics of the Diprotodontia (kangaroos, wombats, koala, possums, and allies) MJ Osborne, L Christidis, JA Norman Molecular Phylogenetics and evolution 25 (2), 219-228, 2002 | 48 | 2002 |
Genetic effective size, Ne, tracks density in a small freshwater cyprinid, Pecos bluntnose shiner (Notropis simus pecosensis) MJ Osborne, SR Davenport, CW Hoagstrom, TF Turner Molecular Ecology 19 (14), 2832-2844, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Molecular phylogenetics of Australo–Papuan possums and gliders (family Petauridae) MJ Osborne, L Christidis Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20 (2), 211-224, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |
Comparative riverscape genetics reveals reservoirs of genetic diversity for conservation and restoration of G reat P lains fishes MJ Osborne, JS Perkin, KB Gido, TF Turner Molecular Ecology 23 (23), 5663-5679, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Genetic heterogeneity among pelagic egg samples and variance in reproductive success in an endangered freshwater fish, Hybognathus amarus (Cyprinidae) MJ Osborne, MA Benavides, TF Turner Environmental Biology of Fishes 73, 463-472, 2005 | 35 | 2005 |
Genetic Effects of Hatchery Propagation and Rearing in the Endangered Rio Grande Silvery Minnow, Hybognathus amarus MJ Osborne, MA Benavides, D Alò, TF Turner Reviews in Fisheries Science 14 (1-2), 127-138, 2006 | 34 | 2006 |
Genetic and ecological dynamics of species replacement in an arid‐land river system GR Moyer, M Osborne, TF Turner Molecular Ecology 14 (4), 1263-1273, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Wild at heart: Programs to diminish negative ecological and evolutionary effects of conservation hatcheries MJ Osborne, TE Dowling, KT Scribner, TF Turner Biological Conservation 251, 108768, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
Spatio‐temporal variation in parasite communities maintains diversity at the major histocompatibility complex class IIβ in the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow MJ Osborne, TJ Pilger, JD Lusk, TF Turner Molecular ecology 26 (2), 471-489, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Genetic Analysis of Captive Spawning Strategies for the Endangered Rio Grande Silvery Minnow MJ Osborne, TL Perez, CS Altenbach, TF Turner Journal of Heredity, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Genetic analysis suggests high conservation value of peripheral populations of Chihuahua chub (Gila nigrescens) MJ Osborne, A Sharp, J Monzingo, DL Propst, TF Turner Conservation Genetics, 1-12, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Molecular relationships of the cuscuses, brushtail and scaly-tailed possums (Phalangerinae) MJ Osborne, L Christidis Australian Journal of Zoology 50 (2), 135-149, 2002 | 20 | 2002 |
Genetic Diversity, Population Structure, and Demographic History of The Rio Grande Sucker, Catostomus (Pantosteus) Plebeius, in New Mexico MV McPhee, MJ Osborne, TF Turner Copeia 2008 (1), 191-199, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Population genomics and conservation of Gila Trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) DT Camak, MJ Osborne, TF Turner Conservation Genetics 22 (5), 729-743, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Biogeography of ‘Cyprinella lutrensis’: intensive genetic sampling from the Pecos River ‘melting pot’ reveals a dynamic history and phylogenetic complexity MJ Osborne, TA Diver, CW Hoagstrom, TF Turner Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117 (2), 264-284, 2016 | 15 | 2016 |