Vicente Blanco
Vicente Blanco
Profesor Titular de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos (ULL)
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El Criterio de Informació n de Akaike en la Obtenció n de Modelos Estadısticos de Rendimiento
DR Martınez, J Albın, J Cabaleiro, T Pena, F Rivera, V Blanco
Conference: XX Jornadas de Paralelismo, 2009
Long-term efficacy of indicated prevention of depression in non-professional caregivers: randomized controlled trial
P Otero, F Smit, P Cuijpers, A Torres, V Blanco, FL Vázquez
Psychological Medicine 45 (7), 1401-1412, 2015
Measuring energy consumption using EML (energy measurement library)
A Cabrera, F Almeida, J Arteaga, V Blanco
Computer Science-Research and Development 30, 135-143, 2015
Predicting the performance of parallel programs
V Blanco, JA González, C León, C Rodrıguez, G Rodrıguez, M Printista
Parallel Computing 30 (3), 337-356, 2004
Dynamic load balancing on heterogeneous multicore/multiGPU systems
A Acosta, R Corujo, V Blanco, F Almeida
2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2010
Towards the dynamic load balancing on heterogeneous multi-GPU systems
A Acosta, V Blanco, F Almeida
2012 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2012
Accurate analytical performance model of communications in MPI applications
DR Martínez, JC Cabaleiro, TF Pena, FF Rivera, V Blanco
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 1-8, 2009
EDApplets: Una herramienta web para la enseñanza de estructuras de datos y técnicas algorítmicas
F Almeida, V Blanco Pérez, LM Moreno de Antonio
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2004
A dynamic multi–objective approach for dynamic load balancing in heterogeneous systems
A Cabrera, A Acosta, F Almeida, V Blanco
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (10), 2421-2434, 2020
Analytical modeling of the energy consumption for the high performance linpack
A Cabrera, F Almeida, V Blanco, D Giménez
2013 21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2013
Energy monitoring as an essential building block towards sustainable ultrascale systems
F Almeida, MD Assunção, J Barbosa, V Blanco, I Brandic, G Da Costa, ...
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 17, 27-42, 2018
Analytical performance models of parallel programs in clusters
DR Martınez, V Blanco, M Boullón, JC Cabaleiro, TF Pena
Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications, 2007
Modeling and improving locality for the sparse-matrix–vector product on cache memories
DB Heras, V Blanco, JC Cabaleiro, FF Rivera
Future Generation Computer Systems 18 (1), 55-67, 2001
Modeling and improving locality for irregular problems: sparse matrix-vector product on cache memories as a case study
D Blanco Heras, V Blanco Pérez, J Carlos Cabaleiro Domínguez, ...
High-Performance Computing and Networking: 7th International Conference …, 1999
Software tools for performance modeling of parallel programs
DR Martínez, V Blanco, M Boullón, JC Cabaleiro, C Rodríguez, FF Rivera
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-8, 2007
An approach to reduce energy consumption and performance losses on heterogeneous servers using power capping
T Ciesielczyk, A Cabrera, A Oleksiak, W Piątek, G Waligóra, F Almeida, ...
Journal of Scheduling 24, 489-505, 2021
Energy efficiency for ultrascale systems: Challenges and trends from nesus project
M Bagein, J Barbosa, V Blanco, I Brandic, S Cremer, S Frémal, H Karatza, ...
Supercomputing frontiers and innovations 2 (2), 105-131, 2015
Dynamic load balancing on heterogeneous multi-GPU systems
A Acosta, V Blanco, F Almeida
Computers & Electrical Engineering 39 (8), 2591-2602, 2013
Adaptive load balancing of iterative computation on heterogeneous nondedicated systems
JA Martínez, F Almeida, EM Garzón, A Acosta, V Blanco
The Journal of Supercomputing 58 (3), 385-393, 2011
Performance modeling of mpi applications using model selection techniques
DR Martinez, JC Cabaleiro, TF Pena, FF Rivera, VB Perez
2010 18th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based …, 2010
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Articles 1–20