John Barton
John Barton
Tyndall National Institute
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Cited by
Screen-printed electrodes for environmental monitoring of heavy metal ions: A review
J Barton, MBG García, DH Santos, P Fanjul-Bolado, A Ribotti, M McCaul, ...
Microchimica Acta 183, 503-517, 2016
Indirect measurement of ground reaction forces and moments by means of wearable inertial sensors: A systematic review
A Ancillao, S Tedesco, J Barton, B O’Flynn
Sensors 18 (8), 2564, 2018
A review of activity trackers for senior citizens: Research perspectives, commercial landscape and the role of the insurance industry
S Tedesco, J Barton, B O’Flynn
Sensors 17 (6), 1277, 2017
Car-park management using wireless sensor networks
JP Benson, T O'Donovan, P O'Sullivan, U Roedig, C Sreenan, J Barton, ...
Proceedings. 2006 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 588-595, 2006
Older adults’ experiences with using wearable devices: qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis
K Moore, E O'Shea, L Kenny, J Barton, S Tedesco, M Sica, C Crowe, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (6), e23832, 2021
Development of field programmable modular wireless sensor network nodes for ambient systems
SJ Bellis, K Delaney, B O'Flynn, J Barton, KM Razeeb, C O'Mathuna
Computer Communications 28 (13), 1531-1544, 2005
Accuracy of consumer-level and research-grade activity trackers in ambulatory settings in older adults
S Tedesco, M Sica, A Ancillao, S Timmons, J Barton, B O’Flynn
PloS one 14 (5), e0216891, 2019
Validity evaluation of the Fitbit Charge2 and the Garmin vivosmart HR+ in free-living environments in an older adult cohort
S Tedesco, M Sica, A Ancillao, S Timmons, J Barton, B O'Flynn
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (6), e13084, 2019
Continuous home monitoring of Parkinson’s disease using inertial sensors: A systematic review
M Sica, S Tedesco, C Crowe, L Kenny, K Moore, S Timmons, J Barton, ...
PloS one 16 (2), e0246528, 2021
The development of a novel minaturized modular platform for wireless sensor networks
B O'Flynn, S Bellis, K Delaney, J Barton, SC O'Mathuna, AM Barroso, ...
IPSN 2005. Fourth International Symposium on Information Processing in …, 2005
A wristwatch-based wireless sensor platform for IoT health monitoring applications
S Kumar, JL Buckley, J Barton, M Pigeon, R Newberry, M Rodencal, ...
Sensors 20 (6), 1675, 2020
Experimental impulse radio IEEE 802.15. 4a UWB based wireless sensor localization technology: Characterization, reliability and ranging
T Ye, M Walsh, P Haigh, J Barton, B O'Flynn
ISSC 2011, 22nd IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Dublin, Ireland …, 2011
Predicting three-dimensional ground reaction forces in running by using artificial neural networks and lower body kinematics
DS Komaris, E Pérez-Valero, L Jordan, J Barton, L Hennessy, B O’Flynn, ...
IEEE Access 7, 156779-156786, 2019
Statistical fracture modelling of silicon with varying thickness
I Paul, B Majeed, KM Razeeb, J Barton
Acta materialia 54 (15), 3991-4000, 2006
Low-power wireless liquid monitoring system using ultrasonic sensors
S Viswanath, M Belcastro, J Barton, B O’flynn, N Holmes, P Dixon
International journal on smart sensing and intelligent systems 8 (1), 26, 2015
Design of a smart insole for ambulatory assessment of gait
YSA Mustufa, J Barton, B O'Flynn, R Davies, P McCullagh, H Zheng
2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body …, 2015
Potential of sub-GHz wireless for future IoT wearables and design of compact 915 MHz antenna
A Di Serio, J Buckley, J Barton, R Newberry, M Rodencal, G Dunlop, ...
Sensors 18 (1), 22, 2017
The DSYS25 sensor platform
A Barroso, J Benson, T Murphy, U Roedig, C Sreenan, J Barton, S Bellis, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor …, 2004
Antenna performance measurements using wireless sensor networks
J Buckley, K Aherne, B O'Flynn, J Barton, A Murphy, C O'Mathuna
56th Electronic Components and Technology Conference 2006, 6 pp., 2006
Apparatus, system and method employing acceleration data
J Barton, J Vcelak, FA Stam, B O'flynn, RV Donahoe
US Patent App. 13/004,723, 2011
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Articles 1–20