Nest-box use by the Barn Owl Tyto alba in a biological pest control program in the Beit She'an valley, Israel K Meyrom, Y Motro, Y Leshem, S Aviel, I Izhaki, F Argyle, M Charter Ardea 97 (4), 463-467, 2009 | 125 | 2009 |
Nest box design for the study of diurnal raptors and owls is still an overlooked point in ecological, evolutionary and conservation studies: a review MM Lambrechts, KL Wiebe, P Sunde, T Solonen, F Sergio, A Roulin, ... Journal of Ornithology 153, 23-34, 2012 | 80 | 2012 |
Characterizing the accuracy of a self-synchronized reverse-GPS wildlife localization system AW Weiser, Y Orchan, R Nathan, M Charter, AJ Weiss, S Toledo 2016 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in …, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
Nest-site competition between invasive and native cavity nesting birds and its implication for conservation M Charter, I Izhaki, YB Mocha, S Kark Journal of Environmental Management 181, 129-134, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Does nest box location and orientation affect occupation rate and breeding success of Barn Owls Tyto alba in a semi-arid environment? M Charter, K Meyrom, Y Leshem, S Aviel, I Izhaki, Y Motro Acta Ornithologica 45 (1), 115-119, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Interspecific variation in the relationship between clutch size, laying date and intensity of urbanization in four species of hole‐nesting birds M Vaugoyeau, F Adriaensen, A Artemyev, J Bańbura, E Barba, C Biard, ... Ecology and evolution 6 (16), 5907-5920, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Variation in clutch size in relation to nest size in birds AP Møller, F Adriaensen, A Artemyev, J Bańbura, E Barba, C Biard, ... Ecology and evolution 4 (18), 3583-3595, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Diets of barn owls differ in the same agricultural region M Charter, I Izhaki, K Meyrom, Y Motro, Y Leshem The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121 (2), 378-383, 2009 | 62 | 2009 |
Movement ecology and sex are linked to barn owl microbial community composition A Corl, M Charter, G Rozman, S Toledo, S Turjeman, PL Kamath, ... Molecular ecology 29 (7), 1358-1371, 2020 | 48 | 2020 |
Clutch‐size variation in Western Palaearctic secondary hole‐nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design AP Møller, F Adriaensen, A Artemyev, J Bańbura, E Barba, C Biard, ... Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (4), 353-362, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Ergodicity breaking in area-restricted search of avian predators O Vilk, Y Orchan, M Charter, N Ganot, S Toledo, R Nathan, M Assaf Physical Review 12, 2022 | 47* | 2022 |
Breeding success of the Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) nesting on buildings in Israel M Charter, I Izhaki, A Bouskila, Y Leshem Journal of Raptor Research 41 (2), 139-143, 2007 | 43 | 2007 |
The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis L Halupka, D Arlt, J Tolvanen, A Millon, P Bize, P Adamík, P Albert, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (19), e2208389120, 2023 | 40 | 2023 |
Diets of urban breeding barn owls (Tyto alba) in Tel Aviv, Israel M Charter, I Izhaki, L Shapira, Y Leshem The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119 (3), 484-485, 2007 | 39 | 2007 |
‘Nature knows no boundaries’: the role of nature conservation in peacebuilding A Roulin, MA Rashid, B Spiegel, M Charter, AN Dreiss, Y Leshem Trends in ecology & evolution 32 (5), 305-310, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
The importance of micro-habitat in the breeding of Barn Owls Tyto alba M Charter, Y Leshem, K Meyrom, O Peleg, A Roulin Bird Study 59 (3), 368-371, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
The genetic basis of color-related local adaptation in a ring-like colonization around the Mediterranean R Burri, S Antoniazza, A Gaigher, AL Ducrest, C Simon, ... Evolution 70 (1), 140-153, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |
Using computer vision, image analysis and UAVs for the automatic recognition and counting of common cranes (Grus grus) A Chen, M Jacob, G Shoshani, M Charter Journal of Environmental Management 328, 116948, 2023 | 33 | 2023 |
Relationship between diet and reproductive success in the Israeli barn owl M Charter, I Izhaki, Y Leshem, K Meyrom, A Roulin Journal of Arid Environments 122, 59-63, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Similar patterns of local barn owl adaptation in the Middle East and Europe with respect to melanic coloration M Charter, ORI Peleg, Y Leshem, A Roulin Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106 (2), 447-454, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |