Carl Macrae
Carl Macrae
Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Psychology, University of Nottingham
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The problem with incident reporting
C Macrae
BMJ Qual Saf 25 (2), 71-75, 2016
Defining the boundaries and operational concepts of resilience in the resilience in healthcare research program
S Wiig, K Aase, S Billett, C Canfield, O Røise, O Njå, V Guise, ...
BMC Health Services Research 20 (1), 1-9, 2020
Defining adaptive capacity in healthcare: a new framework for researching resilient performance
JE Anderson, AJ Ross, C Macrae, S Wiig
Applied Ergonomics 87, 103111, 2020
Human factors at sea: common patterns of error in groundings and collisions
C Macrae
Maritime Policy & Management 36 (1), 21-38, 2009
Close Calls: Managing Risk and Resilience in Airline Flight Safety
C Macrae
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
Early warnings, weak signals and learning from healthcare disasters
C Macrae
BMJ Qual Saf 23 (6), 440-445, 2014
Governing the safety of artificial intelligence in healthcare
C Macrae
BMJ quality & safety 28 (6), 495-498, 2019
Safety analysis over time: seven major changes to adverse event investigation
C Vincent, J Carthey, C Macrae, R Amalberti
Implementation Science 12 (1), 151, 2017
Balancing adaptation and innovation for resilience in healthcare-a metasynthesis of narratives
HB Lyng, C Macrae, V Guise, C Haraldseid-Driftland, B Fagerdal, ...
BMC Health Services Research, 2021
Learning from failure: the need for independent safety investigation in healthcare
C Macrae, C Vincent
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 107 (11), 439-443, 2014
Capacities for resilience in healthcare; a qualitative study across different healthcare contexts
HB Lyng, C Macrae, V Guise, C Haraldseid-Driftland, B Fagerdal, ...
BMC Health Services Research 22 (1), 1-14, 2022
Learning from patient safety incidents: creating participative risk regulation in healthcare
C Macrae
Health, Risk & Society 10 (1), 53-67, 2008
Delivering high reliability in maternity care: in situ simulation as a source of organisational resilience
C Macrae, T Draycott
Safety Science 117, 490-500, 2019
Moments of Resilience: Time, Space and the Organisation of Safety in Complex Sociotechnical Systems
C Macrae
Exploring Resilience, 15-23, 2019
Health Economic and Safety Considerations for Artificial Intelligence Applications in Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Y Xie, DV Gunasekeran, K Balaskas, PA Keane, DA Sim, LM Bachmann, ...
Translational Vision Science & Technology 9 (22), 2020
Learning from the Failure of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems: Accidents, Safety and Sociotechnical Sources of Risk
C Macrae
Risk Analysis, 2022
Can we import improvements from industry to healthcare?
C Macrae, K Stewart
bmj 364, l1039, 2019
Making risks visible: Identifying and interpreting threats to airline flight safety
C Macrae
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 82 (2), 273-293, 2009
Robot accident investigation: a case study in responsible robotics
AFT Winfield, K Winkle, H Webb, U Lyngs, M Jirotka, C Macrae
Software engineering for robotics, 165-187, 2021
Patient safety regulation in the NHS: mapping the regulatory landscape of healthcare
E Oikonomou, J Carthey, C Macrae, C Vincent
BMJ open 9 (7), e028663, 2019
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Articles 1–20