Articles with public access mandates - Prof. Dr. Edy Tonnizam MohamadLearn more
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Developing hybrid ELM-ALO, ELM-LSO and ELM-SOA models for predicting advance rate of TBM
C Li, J Zhou, M Tao, K Du, S Wang, DJ Armaghani, ET Mohamad
Transportation Geotechnics 36, 100819, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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Estimation of the TBM advance rate under hard rock conditions using XGBoost and Bayesian optimization
J Zhou, Y Qiu, S Zhu, DJ Armaghani, M Khandelwal, ET Mohamad
Underground Space 6 (5), 506-515, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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