Yang Zhao
Yang Zhao
Tencent Holdings Ltd.
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Cited by
High resolution crustal model of SE Tibet from joint inversion of seismic P-wave travel-times and Bouguer gravity anomalies and its implication for the crustal channel flow
Y Zhao, L Guo, Z Guo, YJ Chen, L Shi, Y Li
Tectonophysics 792, 228580, 2020
A large magma reservoir beneath the Tengchong volcano revealed by ambient noise adjoint tomography
Y Zhao, Z Guo, K Wang, YJ Yang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (7), e2021JB022116, 2021
Crust and uppermost mantle magma plumbing system beneath Changbaishan intraplate volcano, China/North Korea, revealed by ambient noise adjoint tomography
X Fan, Z Guo, Y Zhao, QF Chen
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (12), e2022GL098308, 2022
The crustal structure of the North–South Earthquake Belt in China revealed from deep seismic soundings and gravity data
Y Zhao, L Guo, L Shi, Y Li
Pure and Applied Geophysics 175, 193-205, 2018
A Crustal Magma Chamber beneath the Tengchong Volcanic Field Revealed by Ambient Noise Adjoint Tomography
Y Zhao, Z Guo, YJ Chen, K Wang, Y Yang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, S11C-0355, 2019
The crust structure of the North-South earthquake belt in China revealed from integrated analyses of the deep seismic soundings and gravity data
Y Zhao*, L Guo, L Shi
International Geophysical Conference, Qingdao, China, 17-20 April 2017, 1340 …, 2017
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Articles 1–6