Sai Fu
Sai Fu
PowerChina Huadong, Engineering Corporation Limited, Hangzhou,
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Cited by
Material point method simulations of displacement pile and CPT penetration in sand considering the effects of grain breakage
S Fu, ZX Yang, N Guo, RJ Jardine
Computers and Geotechnics 166, 105945, 2024
Large-deformation finite-element simulation of deformation and strain fields resulting from closed-end displacement pile installation in sand
S Fu, ZX Yang, RJ Jardine, N Guo
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 149 (6), 04023038, 2023
Large deformation analysis of intermittent pile penetration into dense sand incorporating a state dependent Mohr–Coulomb model
R Ye, Z Huang, Z Yang, N Guo, RJ Jardine, S Fu
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2024
A Novel Method for Estimating the Undrained Shear Strength of Marine Soil Based on CPTU Tests
S Fu, Y Shen, X Jia, Z Zhang, X Li
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12 (6), 1019, 2024
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