Ellen Willis-Norton
Ellen Willis-Norton
Fisheries Biologist, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
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Cited by
Microplastic contamination in the san francisco bay, California, USA
R Sutton, SA Mason, SK Stanek, E Willis-Norton, IF Wren, C Box
Marine pollution bulletin 109 (1), 230-235, 2016
Climate vulnerability assessment for Pacific salmon and steelhead in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
LG Crozier, MM McClure, T Beechie, SJ Bograd, DA Boughton, M Carr, ...
PloS one 14 (7), e0217711, 2019
Ecological change in dynamic environments: Accounting for temporal environmental variability in studies of ocean change biology
KJ Kroeker, LE Bell, EM Donham, U Hoshijima, S Lummis, JA Toy, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (1), 54-67, 2020
Trade‐offs in covariate selection for species distribution models: a methodological comparison
SJ Brodie, JT Thorson, G Carroll, EL Hazen, S Bograd, MA Haltuch, ...
Ecography 43 (1), 11-24, 2020
Anti-racist interventions to transform ecology, evolution and conservation biology departments
MR Cronin, SH Alonzo, SK Adamczak, DN Baker, RS Beltran, AL Borker, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (9), 1213-1223, 2021
A review of methods for quantifying spatial predator–prey overlap
G Carroll, KK Holsman, S Brodie, JT Thorson, EL Hazen, SJ Bograd, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (11), 1561-1577, 2019
Climate change impacts on leatherback turtle pelagic habitat in the Southeast Pacific
E Willis-Norton, EL Hazen, S Fossette, G Shillinger, RR Rykaczewski, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 113, 260-267, 2015
Coupled changes in biomass and distribution drive trends in availability of fish stocks to US West Coast ports
RL Selden, JT Thorson, JF Samhouri, SJ Bograd, S Brodie, G Carroll, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (1), 188-199, 2020
Vulnerability to climate change of managed stocks in the California Current large marine ecosystem
MM McClure, MA Haltuch, E Willis-Norton, DD Huff, EL Hazen, LG Crozier, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1103767, 2023
A synthesis of socioeconomic and sociocultural indicators for assessing the impacts of offshore renewable energy on fishery participants and fishing communities
E Willis-Norton, T Mangin, DM Schroeder, RB Cabral, SD Gaines
Marine Policy 161, 106013, 2024
S3 Appendix: distinct population segment scores and narratives, supporting information for: climate vulnerability assessment for Pacific salmon and steelhead in the California …
LG Crozier, MM McClure, T Beechie, SJ Bograd, DA Boughton, M Carr, ...
PLoS ONE 49, 2019
Impacts of Global Environmental Change on Fish and Fisheries of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean
EM Willis-Norton
University of California, Santa Cruz, 2022
Applying sediment quality objective assessments to San Francisco Bay samples from 2008-2012
E Willis-Norton, JA Ranasinghe, D Greenstein, S Bay
Contribution, 2013
Multistressor global change drivers reduce hatch and viability of Lingcod embryos, a benthic egg layer in the California Current System
E Willis-Norton, MH Carr, EL Hazen, KJ Kroeker
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21987, 2022
Applying Sediment Quality Objective Assessment Protocols to Two San Francisco Bay 303 (d)-Listed Sites
E Willis-Norton, JA Ranasinghe, D Greenstein, K Taberski, N Feger
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Articles 1–15