David S. Pedulla
Cited by
Cited by
Can we finish the revolution? Gender, work-family ideals, and institutional constraint
DS Pedulla, S Thébaud
American sociological review 80 (1), 116-139, 2015
Penalized or protected? Gender and the consequences of nonstandard and mismatched employment histories
DS Pedulla
American sociological review 81 (2), 262-289, 2016
The positive consequences of negative stereotypes: Race, sexual orientation, and the job application process
DS Pedulla
Social Psychology Quarterly 77 (1), 75-94, 2014
Race, Self-Selection, and the Job Search Process
D Pager, DS Pedulla
American Journal of Sociology 120 (4), 1005-1054, 2015
Race and networks in the job search process
DS Pedulla, D Pager
American Sociological Review 84 (6), 983-1012, 2019
Material welfare and changing political preferences: The case of support for redistributive social policies
LA Owens, DS Pedulla
Social Forces 92 (3), 1087-1113, 2014
Masculinity and the stalled revolution: How gender ideologies and norms shape young men’s responses to work–family policies
S Thébaud, DS Pedulla
Gender & society 30 (4), 590-617, 2016
How race and unemployment shape labor market opportunities: Additive, amplified, or muted effects?
DS Pedulla
Social Forces 96 (4), 1477-1506, 2018
The Hidden Costs of Contingency: Employers' Use of Contingent Workers and Standard Employees' Outcomes
DS Pedulla
Social Forces 92 (2), 691-722, 2013
Making the cut: Hiring decisions, bias, and the consequences of nonstandard, mismatched, and precarious employment
D Pedulla
Princeton University Press, 2020
Educational authority in the ‘‘open door’’marketplace: Labor market consequences of for-profit, nonprofit, and fictional educational credentials
NM Deterding, DS Pedulla
Sociology of Education 89 (3), 155-170, 2016
When do work-family policies work? Unpacking the effects of stigma and financial costs for men and women
S Thébaud, DS Pedulla
Work and Occupations 49 (2), 229-263, 2022
Emerging frontiers in audit study research: mechanisms, variation, and representativeness
DS Pedulla
Audit studies: behind the scenes with theory, method, and nuance, 179-195, 2018
The family and community impacts of underemployment
DS Pedulla, KS Newman
Underemployment: Psychological, economic, and social challenges, 233-250, 2011
Beyond the Poverty Line
D Pedulla, R O'Brien
Stanford Social Innovation Review 8 (4), 30-35, 2010
Employment discrimination and the changing landscape of low-wage labor markets
D Pager, B Western, D Pedulla
U. Chi. Legal F., 317, 2009
Nonstandard work and the job search process: Application pools, search methods, and perceived job quality
DS Pedulla, K Mueller-Gastell
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 5 (4), 130-158, 2019
Work-family programs and nonwork networks: Within-group inequality, network activation, and labor market attachment
A Ranganathan, DS Pedulla
Organization Science 32 (2), 315-333, 2021
To be young and unemployed
DS Pedulla
New Labor Forum 21 (3), 26-36, 2012
Field experiments and job posting sources: The consequences of job database selection for estimates of racial discrimination
DS Pedulla, J Muñoz, KE Wullert, FA Dias
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 8 (1), 26-42, 2022
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Articles 1–20