Michael R. Reich
Michael R. Reich
Professor of International Health Policy, Harvard School of Public Health
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Cited by
Getting health reform right: a guide to improving performance and equity
M Roberts, W Hsiao, P Berman, MR Reich
Oxford University Press, 2004
The neglected epidemic: road traffic injuries in developing countries
VM Nantulya, MR Reich
Bmj 324 (7346), 1139-1141, 2002
Essential medicines for universal health coverage
VJ Wirtz, HV Hogerzeil, AL Gray, M Bigdeli, CP de Joncheere, MA Ewen, ...
The Lancet 389 (10067), 403-476, 2017
Japanese universal health coverage: evolution, achievements, and challenges
N Ikegami, BK Yoo, H Hashimoto, M Matsumoto, H Ogata, A Babazono, ...
The Lancet 378 (9796), 1106-1115, 2011
Population ageing and wellbeing: lessons from Japan's long-term care insurance policy
N Tamiya, H Noguchi, A Nishi, MR Reich, N Ikegami, H Hashimoto, ...
The lancet 378 (9797), 1183-1192, 2011
Moving towards universal health coverage: lessons from 11 country studies
MR Reich, J Harris, N Ikegami, A Maeda, C Cashin, EC Araujo, K Takemi, ...
The Lancet 387 (10020), 811-816, 2016
Equity dimensions of road traffic injuries in low-and middle-income countries
VM Nantulya, MR Reich
Injury control and safety promotion 10 (1-2), 13-20, 2003
Ethical analysis in public health
MJ Roberts, MR Reich
The Lancet 359 (9311), 1055-1059, 2002
The politics of health sector reform in developing countries: three cases of pharmaceutical policy
MR Reich
Health policy 32 (1-3), 47-77, 1995
Public-private partnerships for public health
MR Reich
Public-private partnerships for public health, 1-18, 2002
Political analysis for health policy implementation
PA Campos, MR Reich
Health Systems & Reform 5 (3), 224-235, 2019
Public–private partnerships for public health
MR Reich
Nature medicine 6 (6), 617-620, 2000
Cost containment and quality of care in Japan: is there a trade-off?
H Hashimoto, N Ikegami, K Shibuya, N Izumida, H Noguchi, H Yasunaga, ...
The Lancet 378 (9797), 1174-1182, 2011
Access: how do good health technologies get to poor people in poor countries?
LJ Frost, MR Reich
Toxic politics: Responding to chemical disasters
MR Reich
Cornell University Press, 1991
Universal health coverage for inclusive and sustainable development: a synthesis of 11 country case studies
A Maeda, E Araujo, C Cashin, J Harris, N Ikegami, MR Reich
World Bank Publications, 2014
Future of Japan's system of good health at low cost with equity: beyond universal coverage
K Shibuya, H Hashimoto, N Ikegami, A Nishi, T Tanimoto, H Miyata, ...
The Lancet 378 (9798), 1265-1273, 2011
Global action on health systems: a proposal for the Toyako G8 summit
MR Reich, K Takemi, MJ Roberts, WC Hsiao
The Lancet 371 (9615), 865-869, 2008
The global drug gap
MR Reich
Science 287 (5460), 1979-1981, 2000
G8 and strengthening of health systems: follow-up to the Toyako summit
MR Reich, K Takemi
The Lancet 373 (9662), 508-515, 2009
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Articles 1–20