Articles with public access mandates - Hannah Trittin-UlbrichLearn more
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The serious and the mundane: Reflections on gamified CSR communication
H Trittin, C Fieseler, K Maltseva
Journal of Management Inquiry 28 (2), 141-144, 2019
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
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Transcending the Transmission Model: A Reconstruction of CSR Communication from a Constitutive Perspective
D Schoeneborn, H Trittin, AG Scherer
University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and …, 2011
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
CSR Communication and the Polarization of Public Discourses: Introduction to the Special Issue
D Schoeneborn, U Golob, H Trittin-Ulbrich, M Wenzel, A O’Connor
Management Communication Quarterly 38 (4), 751-774, 2024
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
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