Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the dark and unexpected sides of digitalization: Toward a critical agenda
H Trittin-Ulbrich, AG Scherer, I Munro, G Whelan
Organization 28 (1), 8-25, 2021
Transcending transmission: Towards a constitutive perspective on CSR communication
D Schoeneborn, H Trittin
Corporate communications: An international journal 18 (2), 193-211, 2013
Diversity as polyphony: Reconceptualizing diversity management from a communication-centered perspective
H Trittin, D Schoeneborn
Journal of Business Ethics 144, 305-322, 2017
Technology, megatrends and work: Thoughts on the future of business ethics
P D’Cruz, S Du, E Noronha, KP Parboteeah, H Trittin-Ulbrich, G Whelan
Journal of business ethics 180 (3), 879-902, 2022
The challenges of gamifying CSR communication
K Maltseva, C Fieseler, H Trittin-Ulbrich
Corporate communications: An international journal 24 (1), 44-62, 2019
How organizing matters for societal grand challenges
AA Gümüsay, E Marti, H Trittin-Ulbrich, C Wickert
Organizing for societal grand challenges, 1-14, 2022
Institutional entrepreneurship for responsible digital innovation: The case of corporate digital responsibility
H Trittin‐Ulbrich, A Böckel
Creativity and innovation management 31 (3), 447-459, 2022
Organizing for societal grand challenges
AA Gümüsay, E Marti, H Trittin-Ulbrich, C Wickert
Emerald Publishing, 2022
Corporate change agents for sustainability: Transforming organizations from the inside out
S Schaltegger, V Girschik, H Trittin‐Ulbrich, I Weissbrod, T Daudigeos
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 33 (2), 145-156, 2024
The serious and the mundane: Reflections on gamified CSR communication
H Trittin, C Fieseler, K Maltseva
Journal of Management Inquiry 28 (2), 141-144, 2019
From the substantive to the ceremonial: Exploring interrelations between recognition and aspirational CSR talk
H Trittin-Ulbrich
Business & Society 62 (5), 917-949, 2023
Strategic venturing as legitimacy creation: The case of sustainability
M Reihlen, JF Schlapfner, M Seeger, H Trittin‐Ulbrich
Journal of Management Studies 59 (2), 417-459, 2022
The changing role of business in global society: Implications for governance, democracy, and the theory of the firm
AG Scherer, G Palazzo, H Trittin
Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance: The Cost of …, 2015
Consensus vs. dissensus: The communicative constitution of responsible management
D Schoeneborn, H Trittin-Ulbrich, F Cooren
Research handbook of responsible management, 453-469, 2020
Constitutive views on CSR communication: The communicative constitution of responsible organization, organizing, and organizationality
D Schoeneborn, S Glozer, H Trittin-Ulbrich
The Routledge handbook of corporate social responsibility communication, 73-84, 2022
Exploring dark and unexpected sides of digitalization: how digital technologies challenge organizations and organizing
H Trittin, AG Scherer, G Whelan, I Munro
Call for papers: Special Issue of Organization 28 (1), 1-5, 2019
# Knowyourworth: How influencers commercialise meaningful work
H Trittin-Ulbrich, S Glozer
human relations 77 (12), 1811-1843, 2024
Transcending the Transmission Model: A Reconstruction of CSR Communication from a Constitutive Perspective
D Schoeneborn, H Trittin, AG Scherer
University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and …, 2011
Special Issue Call for Papers.‘Stakeholder Engagement: Opening up Participation, Inclusion, and Democracy’
M Wenzel, H Trittin-Ulbrich, LM Edinger-Schons, I Castelló, F de Bakker
Business & Society, 2021
Voices, Bodies and Organization: Bridging CCO Scholarship and Diversity Research
H Trittin-Ulbrich, F Villesèche
The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization …, 2022
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Articles 1–20