Kim Steenstrup Pedersen
Cited by
Cited by
The nonlinear statistics of high-contrast patches in natural images
AB Lee, KS Pedersen, D Mumford
International Journal of Computer Vision 54, 83-103, 2003
Interesting interest points–a survey of interest point performance on a unique data set
H Aanæs, AL Dahl, KS Pedersen
International Journal of Computer Vision 97 (1), 18--35, 2012
Active learning with support vector machines
J Kremer, K Steenstrup Pedersen, C Igel
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 4 (4 …, 2014
Unscented Kalman filtering on Riemannian manifolds
S Hauberg, F Lauze, KS Pedersen
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 46, 103-120, 2013
Big universe, big data: machine learning and image analysis for astronomy
J Kremer, K Stensbo-Smidt, F Gieseke, KS Pedersen, C Igel
IEEE Intelligent Systems 32 (2), 16-22, 2017
Pre-harvest weed mapping of Cirsium arvense in wheat and barley with off-the-shelf UAVs
J Rasmussen, J Nielsen, JC Streibig, JE Jensen, KS Pedersen, SI Olsen
Precision Agriculture 20, 983-999, 2019
Finding the best feature detector-descriptor combination
AL Dahl, H Aanæs, KS Pedersen
2011 international conference on 3d imaging, modeling, processing …, 2011
Gaussian-like spatial priors for articulated tracking
S Hauberg, S Sommer, KS Pedersen
European Conference on Computer Vision, 425-437, 2010
Toward a full probability model of edges in natural images
KS Pedersen, AB Lee
Computer Vision—ECCV 2002: 7th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2002
The complex statistics of high-contrast patches in natural images
AB Lee, KS Pedersen, D Mumford
WWW Proceedings of Second International IEEE Workshop on Statistical and …, 2001
Predicting articulated human motion from spatial processes
S Hauberg, KS Pedersen
International Journal of Computer Vision 94, 317-334, 2011
Unscented kalman filtering for articulated human tracking
ABL Larsen, S Hauberg, KS Pedersen
Image Analysis: 17th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2011, Ystad, Sweden, May …, 2011
Sacrificing information for the greater good: how to select photometric bands for optimal accuracy
K Stensbo-Smidt, F Gieseke, C Igel, A Zirm, K Steenstrup Pedersen
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (3), 2577-2596, 2017
Jet-based local image descriptors
ABL Larsen, S Darkner, AL Dahl, KS Pedersen
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
Natural metrics and least-committed priors for articulated tracking
S Hauberg, S Sommer, KS Pedersen
Image and Vision Computing 30 (6-7), 453-461, 2012
Nearest neighbor density ratio estimation for large-scale applications in astronomy
J Kremer, F Gieseke, KS Pedersen, C Igel
Astronomy and Computing 12, 67-72, 2015
Properties of brownian image models in scale-space
KS Pedersen
International Conference on Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision, 281-296, 2003
The hausdorff dimension and scale-space normalization of natural images
KS Pedersen, M Nielsen
Journal of Visual communication and image representation 11 (2), 266-277, 2000
Shape index descriptors applied to texture-based galaxy analysis
KS Pedersen, K Stensbo-Smidt, A Zirm, C Igel
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2440-2447, 2013
Deep learning for detection of railway signs and signals
G Karagiannis, S Olsen, K Pedersen
Advances in Computer Vision: Proceedings of the 2019 Computer Vision …, 2020
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Articles 1–20