Ivica Nakić
Ivica Nakić
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics
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Sharp estimates and homogenization of the control cost of the heat equation on large domains
I Nakić, M Täufer, M Tautenhahn, I Veselić
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 26, 54, 2020
Optimal damping of vibrational systems
I Nakić
Ph. D. thesis, Fernuniversität, Hagen, 2002
Scale-free unique continuation principle for spectral projectors, eigenvalue-lifting and Wegner estimates for random Schrödinger operators
I Nakić, M Täufer, M Tautenhahn, I Veselić
Analysis & PDE 11 (4), 1049-1081, 2018
Generalized eigenvalue problems with specified eigenvalues
D Kressner, E Mengi, I Nakić, N Truhar
IMA J. Numer. Anal 34 (2), 480-501, 2014
Wielandt and Key-Fan theorem for matrix pairs
I Nakić, K Veselić
Linear Algebra Appl. 369, 77-93, 2003
Lyapunov optimization of a damped system
SJ Cox, I Nakić, A Rittmann, K Veselić
Systems Control Lett. 53 (3-4), 187-194, 2004
Unique continuation and lifting of spectral band edges of Schrödinger operators on unbounded domains
I Nakić, M Täufer, M Tautenhahn, I Veselić
Journal of Spectral Theory 10 (3), 843-885, 2020
Scale-free uncertainty principles and Wegner estimates for random breather potentials
I Nakić, M Täufer, M Tautenhahn, I Veselić
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 353 (10), 919-923, 2015
Null-controllability and control cost estimates for the heat equation on unbounded and large bounded domains
M Egidi, I Nakić, A Seelmann, M Täufer, M Tautenhahn, I Veselić
Control theory of infinite-dimensional systems, 117-157, 2020
Optimal direct velocity feedback
I Nakić, Z Tomljanović, N Truhar
Applied mathematics and computation 225, 590-600, 2013
Mixed control of vibrational systems
I Nakić, Z Tomljanović, N Truhar
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2019
A quantitative Carleman estimate for second-order elliptic operators
I Nakić, C Rose, M Tautenhahn
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 149 (4 …, 2019
On structured Lyapunov functions and dissipativity in interconnected LTI systems
A Jokić, I Nakić
IEEE transactions on automatic control 65 (3), 970-985, 2019
On the correspondence between spectra of the operator pencil A-Λ B and of the operator B-1A
I Nakić
Glasnik matematički 51 (1), 197-221, 2016
Numerically efficient H∞ analysis of cooperative multi-agent systems
I Nakić, D Tolić, Z Tomljanović, I Palunko
Journal of the Franklin Institute 359 (16), 9110-9128, 2022
Perturbation of eigenvalues of the Klein–Gordon operators
I Nakić, K Veselić
Revista matemática complutense 33 (2), 557-581, 2020
Minimization of the trace of the solution of Lyapunov equation connected with damped vibrational systems
I Nakić
Mathematical communications 18 (1), 219-229, 2013
Error Representation Formula For Eigenvalue Approximations For Positive Definite Operators
L Grubišić, I Nakić
Operators and Matrices 6, 793-808, 2012
Optimal damping of vibrating systems: Dependence on initial conditions
K Lelas, I Nakić
Journal of sound and vibration 576, 118303, 2024
On additive Lyapunov functions and existence of neutral supply rates in acyclic LTI dynamical networks
A Jokić, I Nakić
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of …, 2016
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Articles 1–20