Eduardo Martinez
Cited by
Cited by
Three-dimensional analysis of a simulated prebiotic hydrothermal chimney
LM Barge, JP Jones, JJ Pagano, E Martinez, J Bescup
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4 (9), 1663-1669, 2020
Effects of amino acids on phosphate adsorption onto iron (oxy) hydroxide minerals under early earth conditions
E Flores, E Martinez, LE Rodriguez, JM Weber, A Khodayari, ...
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5 (5), 1048-1057, 2021
Prebiotic reactions in a Mars analog iron mineral system: Effects of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia on amino acid formation
LM Barge, E Flores, JM Weber, AA Fraeman, YL Yung, D VanderVelde, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 336, 469-479, 2022
Incorporating microbes into laboratory-grown chimneys for hydrothermal microbiology experiments
J Dickson, E Martinez, JJ Pagano, R Hudson, SM Perl, LM Barge
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6 (4), 953-961, 2022
Nitrate Reactivity in Iron (Oxy) hydroxide Systems: Effect of pH, Iron Redox State, and Phosphate
E Martinez, LE Rodriguez, RY Sheppard, Y Zhang, CA Cid, A Khodayari, ...
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 7 (11), 2287-2297, 2023
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