Daniel Weidman
Daniel Weidman
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
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Simple time‐resolving Thomson spectrometer
MJ Rhee, RF Schneider, DJ Weidman
Review of scientific instruments 58 (2), 240-244, 1987
Observation of plasma wake-field effects during high-current relativistic electron-beam transport
JD Miller, RF Schneider, DJ Weidman, HS Uhm, KT Nguyen
Physical review letters 67 (13), 1747, 1991
Temporal evolution of ion energy in a plasma focus
MJ Rhee, DJ Weidman
Physics of Fluids 31 (3), 703-705, 1988
A model for steady-state large-volume plasma generation
KS Uhm, ID Miller, RF Schneider, DJ Weidman
IEEE transactions on plasma science 19 (3), 535-542, 1991
Plasma wake‐field effects on high‐current relativistic electron beam transport in the ion‐focused regime
JD Miller, RF Schneider, DJ Weidman, KT Nguyen
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 4 (12), 4121-4130, 1992
The Electron-Beam Process for the Destruction of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether
WJ Cooper, T Tobien, SP Mezyk, JW Adams, MG Nickelsen, KE O'Shea, ...
Radius tailoring of an electron beam using a fast rise‐time focusing coil: Experiment and simulation
DJ Weidman, KT Nguyen, MJ Rhee, RF Schneider, RA Stark
Journal of applied physics 76 (6), 3244-3249, 1994
Bulk plasma generation
HS Uhm, JD Miller, RF Schneider, DJ Weidman
US Patent 5,051,659, 1991
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
MJ Rhee, RF Schneider, DJ Weidman
Rev. Sci. Instrum 55, 1229, 1984
Pulse shaping a high‐current relativistic electron beam in vacuum
JD Miller, KT Nguyen, RF Schneider, KW Struve, DJ Weidman
Review of scientific instruments 62 (12), 2910-2915, 1991
Time-resolving electron energy spectrometer
DJ Weidman, MJ Rhee, RF Schneider
Review of scientific instruments 62 (2), 548-549, 1991
Radius tailoring of an intense relativistic electron beam using a fast rise‐time focusing coil
DJ Weidman, MJ Rhee, RF Schneider, KT Nguyen, RA Stark
Applied physics letters 63 (3), 311-313, 1993
Automated tape placement with in-situ electron beam cure- A viable process
DL Goodman, DJ Weidman, CA Byrne, WM McMahon, MP Kovach
2001: A materials and processes odyssey, 2127-2139, 2001
Automated tape placement with in-situ electron beam cure: design and preliminary results
DJ Weidman, C Byrne
32 nd International SAMPE Technical Conference, 733-743, 2000
Use of an active wire Bθ cell for electron beam conditioning
DP Murphy, MC Myers, DJ Weidman, JA Antoniades, RF Fernsler, ...
Journal of applied physics 80 (8), 4249-4257, 1996
High current beam propagation studies at the naval research laboratory
RA Meger, DP Murphy, ME Myers, DJ Weidman, RF Fernsler, ...
1994 10th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams 1, 132-135, 1994
Fast‐rise, large‐volume, 1.7‐kG magnetic‐field coil
DJ Weidman, MJ Rhee, RF Schneider
Review of scientific instruments 64 (12), 3376-3379, 1993
Modulation of a high-current relativistic electron beam in a low-density background plasma
JD Miller, RF Schneider, DJ Weidma, HS Uhm, KT Nguyen
Eighth IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power, 667-670, 1991
Measurements of resistive hose detuning in intense relativistic electron beams
MC Myers, RA Meger, DP Murphy, DJ Weidman, RF Fernsler, SP Slinker
International Conference on Plasma Science (papers in summary form only …, 1995
Radius measurements from time-resolved images of a relativistic electronbeam
DJ Weidman, JA Antoniades, RF Fernsler, RF Hubbard, DP Murphy, ...
Ninth IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference 2, 961, 1993
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Articles 1–20