Articles with public access mandates - Gab AbramowitzLearn more
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Ensemble optimisation, multiple constraints and overconfidence: a case study with future Australian precipitation change
N Herger, G Abramowitz, S Sherwood, R Knutti, O Angélil, SA Sisson
Climate Dynamics 53, 1581-1596, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council, European Commission
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Taking climate model evaluation to the next level
V Eyring, PM Cox, GM Flato, PJ Gleckler, G Abramowitz, P Caldwell, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (2), 102-110, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Towards a comprehensive assessment of model structural adequacy
HV Gupta, MP Clark, JA Vrugt, G Abramowitz, M Ye
Water Resources Research 48 (8), 2012
Mandates: Government of Spain
Robust future changes in meteorological drought in CMIP6 projections despite uncertainty in precipitation
AM Ukkola, MG De Kauwe, ML Roderick, G Abramowitz, AJ Pitman
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (11), e2020GL087820, 2020
Mandates: Australian Research Council
The plumbing of land surface models: benchmarking model performance
MJ Best, G Abramowitz, HR Johnson, AJ Pitman, GK Balsamo, A Boone, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (3), 1425-1442, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council, Natural Sciences and …
A test of an optimal stomatal conductance scheme within the CABLE land surface model
MG De Kauwe, J Kala, YS Lin, AJ Pitman, BE Medlyn, RA Duursma, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (2), 431-452, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council
Are we unnecessarily constraining the agility of complex process‐based models?
PA Mendoza, MP Clark, M Barlage, B Rajagopalan, L Samaniego, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (1), 716-728, 2015
Mandates: Australian Research Council
ESD reviews: Model dependence in multi-model climate ensembles: Weighting, sub-selection and out-of-sample testing
G Abramowitz, N Herger, E Gutmann, D Hammerling, R Knutti, M Leduc, ...
Earth System Dynamics 10 (1), 91-105, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
Selecting a climate model subset to optimise key ensemble properties
N Herger, G Abramowitz, R Knutti, O Angélil, K Lehmann, BM Sanderson
Earth System Dynamics 9 (1), 135-151, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council, European Commission
Land surface models systematically overestimate the intensity, duration and magnitude of seasonal-scale evaporative droughts
AM Ukkola, MG De Kauwe, AJ Pitman, MJ Best, G Abramowitz, V Haverd, ...
Environmental Research Letters 11 (10), 104012, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Australian Research …
Optimally choosing small ensemble members to produce robust climate simulations
JP Evans, F Ji, G Abramowitz, M Ekström
Environmental Research Letters 8 (4), 044050, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Evaluating CMIP5 model agreement for multiple drought metrics
AM Ukkola, AJ Pitman, MG De Kauwe, G Abramowitz, N Herger, JP Evans, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 19 (6), 969-988, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council
Plant profit maximization improves predictions of European forest responses to drought
MEB Sabot, MG De Kauwe, AJ Pitman, BE Medlyn, A Verhoef, AM Ukkola, ...
New Phytologist 226 (6), 1638-1655, 2020
Mandates: Australian Research Council, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Examining soil carbon uncertainty in a global model: response of microbial decomposition to temperature, moisture and nutrient limitation
JF Exbrayat, AJ Pitman, Q Zhang, G Abramowitz, YP Wang
Biogeosciences 10 (11), 7095-7108, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Climate model dependence and the ensemble dependence transformation of CMIP projections
G Abramowitz, CH Bishop
Journal of Climate 28 (6), 2332-2348, 2015
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Multi-model ensemble projections of future extreme temperature change using a statistical downscaling method in south eastern Australia
B Wang, DL Liu, I Macadam, LV Alexander, G Abramowitz, Q Yu
Climatic Change 138 (1), 85-98, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council
Influence of leaf area index prescriptions on simulations of heat, moisture, and carbon fluxes
J Kala, M Decker, JF Exbrayat, AJ Pitman, C Carouge, JP Evans, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 15 (1), 489-503, 2014
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Derived Optimal Linear Combination Evapotranspiration (DOLCE): a global gridded synthesis ET estimate
S Hobeichi, G Abramowitz, J Evans, A Ukkola
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (2), 1317-1336, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Australian Research …
A daily 25 km short-latency rainfall product for data-scarce regions based on the integration of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission rainfall and multiple-satellite …
C Massari, L Brocca, T Pellarin, G Abramowitz, P Filippucci, L Ciabatta, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (5), 2687-2710, 2020
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Challenges and opportunities in land surface modelling of savanna ecosystems
R Whitley, J Beringer, LB Hutley, G Abramowitz, MG De Kauwe, B Evans, ...
Biogeosciences 14 (20), 4711-4732, 2017
Mandates: Australian Research Council
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