Steve Xu
Steve Xu
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Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care
HU Chung, BH Kim, JY Lee, J Lee, Z Xie, EM Ibler, KH Lee, A Banks, ...
Science 363 (6430), eaau0780, 2019
Skin-interfaced biosensors for advanced wireless physiological monitoring in neonatal and pediatric intensive-care units
HU Chung, AY Rwei, A Hourlier-Fargette, S Xu, KH Lee, EC Dunne, Z Xie, ...
Nature medicine 26 (3), 418-429, 2020
Regulation of medical devices in the United States and European Union
DB Kramer, S Xu, AS Kesselheim
The New England Journal of Medicine 366, 848-855, 2012
Soft, skin-integrated multifunctional microfluidic systems for accurate colorimetric analysis of sweat biomarkers and temperature
J Choi, AJ Bandodkar, JT Reeder, TR Ray, A Turnquist, SB Kim, N Nyberg, ...
ACS sensors 4 (2), 379-388, 2019
Mechano-acoustic sensing of physiological processes and body motions via a soft wireless device placed at the suprasternal notch
KH Lee, X Ni, JY Lee, H Arafa, DJ Pe, S Xu, R Avila, M Irie, JH Lee, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 4 (2), 148-158, 2020
Waterproof, electronics-enabled, epidermal microfluidic devices for sweat collection, biomarker analysis, and thermography in aquatic settings
JT Reeder, J Choi, Y Xue, P Gutruf, J Hanson, M Liu, T Ray, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaau6356, 2019
A fluorometric skin-interfaced microfluidic device and smartphone imaging module for in situ quantitative analysis of sweat chemistry
Y Sekine, SB Kim, Y Zhang, AJ Bandodkar, S Xu, J Choi, M Irie, TR Ray, ...
Lab on a Chip 18 (15), 2178-2186, 2018
Passive sweat collection and colorimetric analysis of biomarkers relevant to kidney disorders using a soft microfluidic system
Y Zhang, H Guo, SB Kim, Y Wu, D Ostojich, SH Park, X Wang, Z Weng, ...
Lab on a Chip 19 (9), 1545-1555, 2019
Skin sensors are the future of health care
S Xu, A Jayaraman, JA Rogers
Nature 571 (7765), 319-321, 2019
How does medical device regulation perform in the United States and the European union? A systematic review
DB Kramer, S Xu, AS Kesselheim
Public Library of Science 9 (7), e1001276, 2012
Continuous on-body sensing for the COVID-19 pandemic: Gaps and opportunities
H Jeong, JA Rogers, S Xu
Science Advances 6 (36), eabd4794, 2020
Wireless, battery-free optoelectronic systems as subdermal implants for local tissue oximetry
H Zhang, P Gutruf, K Meacham, MC Montana, X Zhao, AM Chiarelli, ...
Science advances 5 (3), eaaw0873, 2019
Super‐absorbent polymer valves and colorimetric chemistries for time‐sequenced discrete sampling and chloride analysis of sweat via skin‐mounted soft microfluidics
SB Kim, Y Zhang, SM Won, AJ Bandodkar, Y Sekine, Y Xue, J Koo, ...
Small 14 (12), 1703334, 2018
Soft, skin-mounted microfluidic systems for measuring secretory fluidic pressures generated at the surface of the skin by eccrine sweat glands
J Choi, Y Xue, W Xia, TR Ray, JT Reeder, AJ Bandodkar, D Kang, S Xu, ...
Lab on a Chip 17 (15), 2572-2580, 2017
Wireless, battery-free, flexible, miniaturized dosimeters monitor exposure to solar radiation and to light for phototherapy
SY Heo, J Kim, P Gutruf, A Banks, P Wei, R Pielak, G Balooch, Y Shi, ...
Science translational medicine 10 (470), eaau1643, 2018
Wireless sensors for continuous, multimodal measurements at the skin interface with lower limb prostheses
JW Kwak, M Han, Z Xie, HU Chung, JY Lee, R Avila, J Yohay, X Chen, ...
Science translational medicine 12 (574), eabc4327, 2020
Wireless, battery‐free epidermal electronics for continuous, quantitative, multimodal thermal characterization of skin
SR Krishnan, CJ Su, Z Xie, M Patel, SR Madhvapathy, Y Xu, J Freudman, ...
Small 14 (47), 1803192, 2018
Miniaturized electromechanical devices for the characterization of the biomechanics of deep tissue
E Song, Z Xie, W Bai, H Luan, B Ji, X Ning, Y Xia, JM Baek, Y Lee, R Avila, ...
Nature Biomedical Engineering 5 (7), 759-771, 2021
Automated, multiparametric monitoring of respiratory biomarkers and vital signs in clinical and home settings for COVID-19 patients
X Ni, W Ouyang, H Jeong, JT Kim, A Tzavelis, A Mirzazadeh, C Wu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (19), e2026610118, 2021
Sunscreen product performance and other determinants of consumer preferences
S Xu, M Kwa, A Agarwal, A Rademaker, RV Kundu
JAMA dermatology 152 (8), 920-927, 2016
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