Laura C. Schneider
Laura C. Schneider
Professor, Department of Geography, Rutgers University
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Land-cover change model validation by an ROC method for the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA
RG Pontius Jr, LC Schneider
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 85 (1-3), 239-248, 2001
Agricultural intensification and changes in cultivated areas, 1970–2005
TK Rudel, L Schneider, M Uriarte, BL Turner, R DeFries, D Lawrence, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 106 (49), 20675-20680, 2009
Modeling land-use change in the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA
LC Schneider, RG Pontius Jr
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85 (1-3), 83-94, 2001
Deforestation in the southern Yucatán peninsular region: an integrative approach
BL Turner Ii, SC Villar, D Foster, J Geoghegan, E Keys, P Klepeis, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 154 (3), 353-370, 2001
Deforestation in Colombian protected areas increased during post-conflict periods
N Clerici, D Armenteras, P Kareiva, R Botero, JP Ramírez-Delgado, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 4971, 2020
The engaged university: providing a platform for research that transforms society
A Whitmer, L Ogden, J Lawton, P Sturner, PM Groffman, L Schneider, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (6), 314-321, 2010
Forest transitions: An introduction
TK Rudel, L Schneider, M Uriarte
Land use policy 27 (2), 95-97, 2010
Untangling a decline in tropical forest resilience: constraints on the sustainability of shifting cultivation across the globe
D Lawrence, C Radel, K Tully, B Schmook, L Schneider
Biotropica 42 (1), 21-30, 2010
Sequías en el sur de la península de Yucatán: análisis de la variabilidad anual y estacional de la precipitación
S Márdero, E Nickl, B Schmook, L Schneider, J Rogan, Z Christman, ...
Investigaciones geográficas, 19-33, 2012
Whither the forest transition? Climate change, policy responses, and redistributed forests in the twenty-first century
TK Rudel, P Meyfroidt, R Chazdon, F Bongers, S Sloan, HR Grau, ...
Ambio 49, 74-84, 2020
Meeting in the middle: the challenge of meso-level integration
W McConnell, EF Moran
Land Use Policy 19 (1), 99-101, 2002
Fires in protected areas reveal unforeseen costs of Colombian peace
D Armenteras, L Schneider, LM Dávalos
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (1), 20-23, 2019
Mapping seasonal trends in vegetation using AVHRR-NDVI time series in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
N Neeti, J Rogan, Z Christman, JR Eastman, M Millones, L Schneider, ...
Remote sensing letters 3 (5), 433-442, 2012
LivestockPlus: Forages, sustainable intensification, and food security in the tropics
TK Rudel, B Paul, D White, IM Rao, R Van Der Hoek, A Castro, M Boval, ...
Ambio 44, 685-693, 2015
High mortality for rare species following hurricane disturbance in the Southern Yucatan
KL Vandecar, D Lawrence, D Richards, L Schneider, J Rogan, ...
Biotropica 43 (6), 676-684, 2011
Bracken fern invasion in Southern Yucatán: A case for land‐change science
LC Schneider
Geographical Review 94 (2), 229-241, 2004
Method for spatially explicit calculations of potential biomass yields and assessment of land availability for biomass energy production in Northeastern Brazil
LC Schneider, AP Kinzig, ED Larson, LA Solórzano
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 84 (3), 207-226, 2001
Carbon stocks in silvopastoral systems: a study from four communities in southeastern Ecuador
ME McGroddy, AM Lerner, DV Burbano, LC Schneider, TK Rudel
Biotropica 47 (4), 407-415, 2015
Land abandonment in an agricultural frontier after a plant invasion: the case of bracken fern in southern Yucatán, Mexico
L Schneider, J Geoghegan
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35 (1), 167-177, 2006
The spontaneous emergence of silvo-pastoral landscapes in the Ecuadorian Amazon: patterns and processes
AM Lerner, TK Rudel, LC Schneider, M McGroddy, DV Burbano, CF Mena
Regional Environmental Change 15, 1421-1431, 2015
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Articles 1–20