Casey J. Frid
Casey J. Frid
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An Identity Perspective on Coopetition in the Craft Beer Industry
BD Mathias, A Huyghe, CJ Frid, TL Galloway
Strategic Management Journal 39 (12), 3086-3115, 2018
Financing the Emerging Firm
WB Gartner, CJ Frid, JC Alexander
Small Business Economics 39 (3), 745-761, 2012
Acquiring financial resources to form new ventures: The impact of personal characteristics on organizational emergence
CJ Frid
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 27 (3), 323-341, 2014
Low-Wealth Entrepreneurs and Access to External Financing
CJ Frid, DM Wyman, WB Gartner, DH Hechavarria
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 22 (4), 531-555, 2016
Effects of Wealth Inequality on Entrepreneurship
CJ Frid, DM Wyman, B Coffey
Small Business Economics 47 (4), 895-920, 2016
Advancing entrepreneurship theory through replication: A case study on contemporary methodological challenges, future best practices, and an entreaty for communality
GC Crawford, V Skorodziyevskiy, CJ Frid, TE Nelson, Z Booyavi, ...
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 46 (3), 779-799, 2022
Ready or not? Nascent entrepreneurs’ actions and the acquisition of external financing
JP Warhuus, CJ Frid, WB Gartner
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 27 (6), 1605-1628, 2021
The Influence of Financial "Skin in the Game" on New Venture Creation
CJ Frid, DM Wyman, WB Gartner
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 21 (2), 1, 2015
Publications Based on the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics
CJ Frid, P Davidsson, S Gordon, D Hechavarria, PD Reynolds
Document available at www. psed. isr. umich. edu/psed/documentation, 2015
Financing the Emerging Firm: Comparisons Between PSED I and PSED II
WB Gartner, CJ Frid, JC Alexander, NM Carter
New Firm Creation in the United States: Initial Explorations with the PSED …, 2009
Community Social Capital and the Venture Gestation Process
S Vedula, CJ Frid
The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Collaboration, 177-200, 2019
An Experiential Field Study in Social Entrepreneurship
CJ Frid, I Chowdhury, CG Green
Journal of Business Ethics Education 13, 243-263, 2016
Does Money Matter? Investigating the Financing of Emerging Firms
CJ Frid
Clemson University, 2011
Exit Before Entry: Why do Nascent Entrepreneurs Quit?
CJ Frid, WB Gartner, MS Cardon
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 34 (6), 10, 2014
International Case Studies in Social Entrepreneurship: A Focus on Brazil
C Green, CJ Frid, I Chowdhury
Educating Social Entrepreneurs: From Business Plan Formulation to …, 2017
Entrepreneurial Role Evolution Within Collective Action: Evidence from the Craft Beer Industry
C Frid, T Galloway, A Huyghe, B Mathias
Available at SSRN 3224655, 2018
Fat-Tailed Distributions: A Look At High Performing New Ventures (Summary)
CJ Frid, DM Wyman
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 30 (14), 3, 2010
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Articles 1–17