Ramanathan Muthuganapathy
Cited by
Cited by
Longitudinal multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation: resource and challenge
A Carass, S Roy, A Jog, JL Cuzzocreo, E Magrath, A Gherman, J Button, ...
NeuroImage 148, 77-102, 2017
Constructing medial axis transform of planar domains with curved boundaries
M Ramanathan, B Gurumoorthy
Computer-Aided Design 35 (7), 619-632, 2003
Automated detection of convulsive seizures using a wearable accelerometer device
S Kusmakar, CK Karmakar, B Yan, TJ O’Brien, R Muthuganapathy, ...
IEEE Transactions on biomedical engineering 66 (2), 421-432, 2018
Large-scale 3d shape reconstruction and segmentation from shapenet core55
L Yi, L Shao, M Savva, H Huang, Y Zhou, Q Wang, B Graham, M Engelcke, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.06104, 2017
A non-parametric approach to shape reconstruction from planar point sets through Delaunay filtering
J Peethambaran, R Muthuganapathy
Computer-Aided Design 62, 164-175, 2015
Precise Voronoi cell extraction of free-form rational planar closed curves
I Hanniel, R Muthuganapathy, G Elber, MS Kim
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling, 51-59, 2005
Longitudinal multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation using 3D convolutional neural networks
S Vaidya, A Chunduru, R Muthuganapathy, G Krishnamurthi
Proceedings of the 2015 longitudinal multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation …, 2015
Generating the Mid-Surface of a Solid using 2D MAT of its Faces
M Ramanathan, B Gurumoorthy
Computer aided design and applications 1 (1-4), 665-674, 2004
Reconstruction of water-tight surfaces through Delaunay sculpting
J Peethambaran, R Muthuganapathy
Computer-Aided Design 58, 62-72, 2015
A Delaunay triangulation based approach for cleaning rough sketches
AD Parakkat, UB Pundarikaksha, R Muthuganapathy
Computers & Graphics 74, 171-181, 2018
A unified approach towards reconstruction of a planar point set
S Methirumangalath, AD Parakkat, R Muthuganapathy
Computers & Graphics 51, 90-97, 2015
A convolutional neural network approach to the classification of engineering models
B Manda, P Bhaskare, R Muthuganapathy
IEEE Access 9, 22711-22723, 2021
‘CADSketchNet’-An annotated sketch dataset for 3D CAD model retrieval with deep neural networks
B Manda, S Dhayarkar, S Mitheran, VK Viekash, R Muthuganapathy
Computers & Graphics 99, 100-113, 2021
Interior medial axis transform computation of 3D objects bound by free-form surfaces
M Ramanathan, B Gurumoorthy
Computer-Aided Design 42 (12), 1217-1231, 2010
2d points curve reconstruction survey and benchmark
S Ohrhallinger, J Peethambaran, AD Parakkat, TK Dey, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 40 (2), 611-632, 2021
Roof classification from 3-D LiDAR point clouds using multiview CNN with self-attention
DA Shajahan, V Nayel, R Muthuganapathy
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 17 (8), 1465-1469, 2019
Crawl through Neighbors: A Simple Curve Reconstruction Algorithm
AD Parakkat, R Muthuganapathy
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (5), 177-186, 2016
Content-based image retrieval using shape and depth from an engineering database
A Jain, R Muthuganapathy, K Ramani
Advances in Visual Computing: Third International Symposium, ISVC 2007, Lake …, 2007
Constructing medial axis transform of extruded and revolved 3D objects with free-form boundaries
M Ramanathan, B Gurumoorthy
Computer-Aided Design 37 (13), 1370-1387, 2005
PCS: Prominent cross-sections for mesh models
S Sellamani, R Muthuganapathy, Y Kalyanaraman, S Murugappan, ...
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 7 (4), 601-620, 2010
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Articles 1–20