Tina Zottoli
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Cited by
Plea discounts, time pressures, and false-guilty pleas in youth and adults who pleaded guilty to felonies in New York City.
TM Zottoli, T Daftary-Kapur, GM Winters, C Hogan
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 22 (3), 250, 2016
Attentional capture by emotional faces in adolescence
J Grose-Fifer, A Rodrigues, S Hoover, T Zottoli
Advances in cognitive psychology 9 (2), 81, 2013
The feedback‐related negativity (FRN) in adolescents
TM Zottoli, J Grose‐Fifer
Psychophysiology 49 (3), 413-420, 2012
A first look at the plea deal experiences of juveniles tried in adult court
T Daftary-Kapur, TM Zottoli
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 13 (4), 323-336, 2014
State of the states: A survey of statutory law, regulations and court rules pertaining to guilty pleas across the United States
TM Zottoli, T Daftary‐Kapur, VA Edkins, AD Redlich, CM King, LE Dervan, ...
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 37 (4), 388-434, 2019
Feedback processing in adolescence: an event-related potential study of age and gender differences
J Grose-Fifer, R Migliaccio, TM Zottoli
Developmental neuroscience 36 (3-4), 228-238, 2014
Disentangling the effects of plea discount and potential trial sentence on decisions to plead guilty
RA Schneider, TM Zottoli
Legal and Criminological Psychology 24 (2), 288-304, 2019
Guilty pleas of youths and adults: Differences in legal knowledge and decision making.
TM Zottoli, T Daftary-Kapur
Law and human behavior 43 (2), 166, 2019
COVID-19 exacerbates existing system factors that disadvantage defendants: Findings from a national survey of defense attorneys.
T Daftary-Kapur, KS Henderson, TM Zottoli
Law and Human Behavior 45 (2), 81, 2021
ERP correlates of malingered executive dysfunction
S Hoover, TM Zottoli, J Grose-Fifer
International journal of psychophysiology 91 (2), 139-146, 2014
Juvenile justice and plea bargaining
AD Redlich, T Zottoli, T Daftary-Kapur
A system of pleas: Social science's contribution to the real justice system …, 2019
The paradox of conviction probability: Mock defendants want better deals as risk of conviction increases.
JM Bartlett, TM Zottoli
Law and Human Behavior 45 (1), 39, 2021
Resentencing of juvenile lifers: The Philadelphia experience
T Daftary-Kapur, T Zottoli
Emerging issues in the psycholegal study of guilty pleas
AD Redlich, TM Zottoli, A Dezember, R Schneider, M Catlin, S Shammi
A first look at the reentry experiences of juvenile lifers released in Philadelphia.
T Daftary-Kapur, TM Zottoli, T Faust, R Schneider
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 28 (3), 400, 2022
The utility of the MMPI-2 Criminal Offender Infrequency (Fc) Scale in the detection of malingering in criminal defendants
V Barber-Rioja, TM Zottoli, LT Kucharski, S Duncan
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 8 (1), 16-24, 2009
Developing a model of guilty plea decision-making: Fuzzy-trace theory, gist, and categorical boundaries.
TM Zottoli, RK Helm, VA Edkins, MT Bixter
Law and human behavior 47 (3), 403, 2023
Interdisciplinary connections and academic performance in psychology–english learning communities
J Grose-Fifer, KA Helmer, TM Zottoli
Teaching of Psychology 41 (1), 57-62, 2014
Expecting the unexpected: An N400 study of risky sentence processing in adolescents
J Grose‐Fifer, S Hoover, T Zottoli, A Rodrigues
Psychophysiology 48 (9), 1184-1191, 2011
Economic principles and problems: a pluralist introduction
G Schneider
Routledge, 2021
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Articles 1–20