Amanuel Zenebe ABRAHA
Amanuel Zenebe ABRAHA
Associate professor of Geography, Mekelle university
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Cited by
Impact of soil and water conservation measures on catchment hydrological response—a case in north Ethiopia
J Nyssen, W Clymans, K Descheemaeker, J Poesen, I Vandecasteele, ...
Hydrological processes 24 (13), 1880-1895, 2010
The impacts of watershed management on land use and land cover dynamics in Eastern Tigray (Ethiopia)
F Alemayehu, N Taha, J Nyssen, A Girma, A Zenebe, M Behailu, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 53 (4), 192-198, 2009
Sediment dynamics and the role of flash floods in sediment export from medium-sized catchments: a case study from the semi-arid tropical highlands in northern Ethiopia
M Vanmaercke, A Zenebe, J Poesen, J Nyssen, G Verstraeten, J Deckers
Journal of Soils and Sediments 10, 611-627, 2010
Cellular automata and Markov Chain (CA_Markov) model-based predictions of future land use and land cover scenarios (2015–2033) in Raya, northern Ethiopia
E Gidey, O Dikinya, R Sebego, E Segosebe, A Zenebe
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 3, 1245-1262, 2017
Detailed recording of gully morphology in 3D through image-based modelling
A Frankl, C Stal, A Abraha, J Nyssen, D Rieke-Zapp, A De Wulf, J Poesen
Catena 127, 92-101, 2015
Accumulation of organic carbon in various soil aggregate sizes under different land use systems in a semi-arid environment
CC Okolo, G Gebresamuel, A Zenebe, M Haile, PN Eze
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 297, 106924, 2020
Analysis of the long-term agricultural drought onset, cessation, duration, frequency, severity and spatial extent using Vegetation Health Index (VHI) in Raya and its environs …
E Gidey, O Dikinya, R Sebego, E Segosebe, A Zenebe
Environmental Systems Research 7, 1-18, 2018
Land management in the northern Ethiopian highlands: local and global perspectives; past, present and future
J Nyssen, A Frankl, A Zenebe, J Deckers, J Poesen
Land Degradation & Development 26 (7), 759-764, 2015
Effects of check dams on runoff characteristics along gully reaches, the case of Northern Ethiopia
E Guyassa, A Frankl, A Zenebe, J Poesen, J Nyssen
Journal of Hydrology 545, 299-309, 2017
Soil–landscape relationships in the basalt-dominated highlands of Tigray, Ethiopia
J Van de Wauw, G Baert, J Moeyersons, J Nyssen, K De Geyndt, N Taha, ...
Catena 75 (1), 117-127, 2008
Modeling the spatio-temporal meteorological drought characteristics using the standardized precipitation index (SPI) in raya and its environs, northern Ethiopia
E Gidey, O Dikinya, R Sebego, E Segosebe, A Zenebe
Earth Systems and Environment 2, 281-292, 2018
Spatial patterns of old, deep-seated landslides: a case-study in the northern Ethiopian highlands
M Van Den Eeckhaut, J Moeyersons, J Nyssen, A Abraha, J Poesen, ...
Geomorphology 105 (3-4), 239-252, 2009
Ecological succession and land use changes in a lake retreat area (Main Ethiopian Rift Valley)
H Temesgen, J Nyssen, A Zenebe, N Haregeweyn, M Kindu, M Lemenih, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 91, 53-60, 2013
Soil carbon and nitrogen losses following deforestation in Ethiopia
T Berihu, G Girmay, M Sebhatleab, E Berhane, A Zenebe, GC Sigua
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37, 1-12, 2017
Modeling the Spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use and land cover (1984–2015) using remote sensing and GIS in Raya, Northern Ethiopia
E Gidey, O Dikinya, R Sebego, E Segosebe, A Zenebe
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 3, 1285-1301, 2017
Spatial and temporal variability of river flows in the degraded semi-arid tropical mountains of northern Ethiopa
A Zenebe, M Vanmaercke, J Poesen, G Verstraeten, N Haregeweyn
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 57 (2), 143-169, 2013
Spatial and temporal variation of soil organic carbon stocks in a lake retreat area of the Ethiopian Rift Valley
J Nyssen, H Temesgen, M Lemenih, A Zenebe, N Haregeweyn, M Haile
Geoderma 146 (1-2), 261-268, 2008
Modelling hydrological response under climate change scenarios using SWAT model: the case of Ilala watershed, Northern Ethiopia
H Shiferaw, A Gebremedhin, T Gebretsadkan, A Zenebe
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 4, 437-449, 2018
Feasible crop insurance indexes for drought risk management in Northern Ethiopia
GZ E. Eze, A. Girma, A. Amanuel Zenebe
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 47 (101544), 2020
Assessing the spatio-temporal variability of NDVI and VCI as indices of crops productivity in Ethiopia: a remote sensing approach
J Moussa Kourouma, E Eze, E Negash, D Phiri, R Vinya, A Girma, ...
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 12 (1), 2880-2903, 2021
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