Ross Horne
Ross Horne
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Semantics for specialising attack trees based on linear logic
R Horne, S Mauw, A Tiu
Fundamenta Informaticae 153 (1-2), 57-86, 2017
Assuming Just Enough Fairness to make Session Types Complete for Lock-freedom
R van Glabbeek, P Höfner, R Horne
ACM/IEEE LICS 2021 36th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science 29 …, 2021
Tracing where and who provenance in linked data: A calculus
M Dezani-Ciancaglini, R Horne, V Sassone
Theoretical Computer Science 464, 113-129, 2012
Global types with internal delegation
I Castellani, M Dezani-Ciancaglini, P Giannini, R Horne
Theoretical Computer Science 807, 128-153, 2020
SPEC: an equivalence checker for security protocols
A Tiu, N Nguyen, R Horne
Programming Languages and Systems: 14th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2016, Hanoi …, 2016
Breaking unlinkability of the ICAO 9303 standard for e-passports using bisimilarity
I Filimonov, R Horne, S Mauw, Z Smith
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 577-594, 2019
The consistency and complexity of multiplicative additive system virtual
R Horne
Scientific Annals of Computer Science 15 (2), 245-316, 2015
A verified algebra for read–write Linked Data
R Horne, V Sassone
Science of Computer Programming 89, 2-22, 2014
Quasi-open bisimilarity with mismatch is intuitionistic
R Horne, KY Ahn, SW Lin, A Tiu
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer …, 2018
De Morgan Dual Nominal Quantifiers Modelling Private Names in Non-Commutative Logic
R Horne, A Tiu, B Aman, G Ciobanu
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 20 (4), 1-44, 2019
A descriptive type foundation for RDF Schema
G Ciobanu, R Horne, V Sassone
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 85 (5), 681-706, 2016
Behavioural analysis of sessions using the calculus of structures
G Ciobanu, R Horne
International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference on Perspectives of System …, 2015
Minimal type inference for linked data consumers
G Ciobanu, R Horne, V Sassone
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 84 (4), 485-504, 2015
Operational semantics for SPARQL update
R Horne, V Sassone, N Gibbins
The Semantic Web: Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, JIST …, 2012
Logic Beyond Formulas: A Proof System on Graphs
M Acclavio, R Horne, L Straßburger
LICS'20: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in …, 2020
Constructing weak simulations from linear implications for processes with private names
R Horne, A Tiu
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 29 (8), 1275-1308, 2019
Discovering ePassport Vulnerabilities using Bisimilarity
R Horne, S Mauw
Logical Methods in Computer Science 17 (2), 24:1-24:52, 2021
A graphical proof theory of logical time
M Acclavio, R Horne, S Mauw, L Straßburger
FSCD 2022-7th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation …, 2022
Session subtyping and multiparty compatibility using circular sequents
RJ Horne
In 31st International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2020)., 2020
The sub-additives: A proof theory for probabilistic choice extending linear logic
RJ Horne
4th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and …, 2019
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Articles 1–20