Jeff Beck
Jeff Beck
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Cited by
Bayesian inference with probabilistic population codes
WJ Ma, JM Beck, PE Latham, A Pouget
Nature neuroscience 9 (11), 1432-1438, 2006
Probabilistic population codes for Bayesian decision making
JM Beck, WJ Ma, R Kiani, T Hanks, AK Churchland, J Roitman, ...
Neuron 60 (6), 1142-1152, 2008
Probabilistic brains: knowns and unknowns
A Pouget, JM Beck, WJ Ma, PE Latham
Nature neuroscience 16 (9), 1170-1178, 2013
Information-limiting correlations
R Moreno-Bote, J Beck, I Kanitscheider, X Pitkow, P Latham, A Pouget
Nature neuroscience 17 (10), 1410-1417, 2014
Not noisy, just wrong: the role of suboptimal inference in behavioral variability
JM Beck, WJ Ma, X Pitkow, PE Latham, A Pouget
Neuron 74 (1), 30-39, 2012
Modelling reciprocating relationships with Hawkes processes
C Blundell, J Beck, KA Heller
Advances in neural information processing systems 25, 2012
Marginalization in neural circuits with divisive normalization
JM Beck, PE Latham, A Pouget
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (43), 15310-15319, 2011
An insula-frontostriatal network mediates flexible cognitive control by adaptively predicting changing control demands
J Jiang, J Beck, K Heller, T Egner
Nature Communications 6 (1), 8165, 2015
Behavior and neural basis of near-optimal visual search
WJ Ma, V Navalpakkam, JM Beck, R Berg, A Pouget
Nature neuroscience 14 (6), 783-790, 2011
Perceptual learning as improved probabilistic inference in early sensory areas
VR Bejjanki, JM Beck, ZL Lu, A Pouget
Nature neuroscience 14 (5), 642-648, 2011
Spiking networks for Bayesian inference and choice
WJ Ma, JM Beck, A Pouget
Current opinion in neurobiology 18 (2), 217-222, 2008
Neural implementation of Bayesian inference in a sensorimotor behavior
TR Darlington, JM Beck, SG Lisberger
Nature neuroscience 21 (10), 1442-1451, 2018
Striatal fast-spiking interneurons selectively modulate circuit output and are required for habitual behavior
JK O'Hare, H Li, N Kim, E Gaidis, K Ade, J Beck, H Yin, N Calakos
Elife 6, e26231, 2017
Trial-to-trial, uncertainty-based adjustment of decision boundaries in visual categorization
AT Qamar, RJ Cotton, RG George, JM Beck, E Prezhdo, A Laudano, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (50), 20332-20337, 2013
Insights from a simple expression for linear fisher information in a recurrently connected population of spiking neurons
J Beck, VR Bejjanki, A Pouget
Neural computation 23 (6), 1484-1502, 2011
A probabilistic approach to demixing odors
A Grabska-Barwińska, S Barthelmé, J Beck, ZF Mainen, A Pouget, ...
Nature neuroscience 20 (1), 98-106, 2017
Exact inferences in a neural implementation of a hidden Markov model
JM Beck, A Pouget
Neural computation 19 (5), 1344-1361, 2007
Complex inference in neural circuits with probabilistic population codes and topic models
J Beck, A Pouget, KA Heller
Advances in neural information processing systems 25, 2012
Learning receptive fields using predictive feedback
JFM Jehee, C Rothkopf, JM Beck, DH Ballard
Journal of Physiology-Paris 100 (1-3), 125-132, 2006
Probabilistic population codes and the exponential family of distributions
J Beck, WJ Ma, PE Latham, A Pouget
Progress in brain research 165, 509-519, 2007
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Articles 1–20