Max Wei
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Cited by
Putting renewables and energy efficiency to work: How many jobs can the clean energy industry generate in the US?
M Wei, S Patadia, DM Kammen
Energy policy 38 (2), 919-931, 2010
Deep carbon reductions in California require electrification and integration across economic sectors
M Wei, JH Nelson, JB Greenblatt, A Mileva, J Johnston, M Ting, C Yang, ...
Environmental Research Letters 8 (1), 014038, 2013
Electrification of industry: Potential, challenges and outlook
M Wei, CA McMillan, S de la Rue Du Can
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 6, 140-148, 2019
Hydrogen as a long-term, large-scale energy storage solution when coupled with renewable energy sources or grids with dynamic electricity pricing schemes
A Mayyas, M Wei, G Levis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (33), 16311-16325, 2020
Flexible grid-based electrolysis hydrogen production for fuel cell vehicles reduces costs and greenhouse gas emissions
C Zhang, JB Greenblatt, M Wei, J Eichman, S Saxena, M Muratori, ...
Applied Energy 278, 115651, 2020
Translating climate change and heating system electrification impacts on building energy use to future greenhouse gas emissions and electric grid capacity requirements in …
B Tarroja, F Chiang, A AghaKouchak, S Samuelsen, SV Raghavan, ...
Applied energy 225, 522-534, 2018
Experience curve development and cost reduction disaggregation for fuel cell markets in Japan and the US
M Wei, SJ Smith, MD Sohn
Applied Energy 191, 346-357, 2017
Quantifying the flexibility of hydrogen production systems to support large-scale renewable energy integration
D Wang, M Muratori, J Eichman, M Wei, S Saxena, C Zhang
Journal of Power Sources 399, 383-391, 2018
A low temperature unitized regenerative fuel cell realizing 60% round trip efficiency and 10000 cycles of durability for energy storage applications
YN Regmi, X Peng, JC Fornaciari, M Wei, DJ Myers, AZ Weber, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (7), 2096-2105, 2020
Electrification of buildings and industry in the United States: Drivers, barriers, prospects, and policy approaches
J Deason, M Wei, G Leventis, S Smith, LC Schwartz
Approaches to cost-effective near-net zero energy new homes with time-of-use value of energy and battery storage
M Wei, SH Lee, T Hong, B Conlon, L McKenzie, B Hendron, A German
Advances in Applied Energy 2, 100018, 2021
Future costs of fuel cell electric vehicles in California using a learning rate approach
E Ruffini, M Wei
Energy 150, 329-341, 2018
Passive cooling designs to improve heat resilience of homes in underserved and vulnerable communities
K Sun, W Zhang, Z Zeng, R Levinson, M Wei, T Hong
Energy and Buildings 252, 111383, 2021
Data-driven key performance indicators and datasets for building energy flexibility: A review and perspectives
H Li, H Johra, F de Andrade Pereira, T Hong, J Le Dréau, A Maturo, ...
Applied Energy 343, 121217, 2023
Benefits of leapfrogging to superefficiency and low global warming potential refrigerants in room air conditioning
N Shah, M Wei, V Letschert, A Phadke
Techno-economic assessment of renewable methanol from biomass gasification and PEM electrolysis for decarbonization of the maritime sector in California
N de Fournas, M Wei
Energy Conversion and Management 257, 115440, 2022
Electricity end uses, energy efficiency, and distributed energy resources baseline
L Schwartz, M Wei, W Morrow, J Deason, SR Schiller, G Leventis, S Smith, ...
A total cost of ownership model for solid oxide fuel cells in combined heat and power and power-only applications
R Scataglini, A Mayyas, M Wei, SH Chan, T Lipman, D Gosselin, ...
Environmental Energy Technologies Division, 2015
Ten questions concerning thermal resilience of buildings and occupants for climate adaptation
T Hong, J Malik, A Krelling, W O'brien, K Sun, R Lamberts, M Wei
Building and Environment 244, 110806, 2023
Comparison of low-carbon pathways for California
GM Morrison, S Yeh, AR Eggert, C Yang, JH Nelson, JB Greenblatt, ...
Climatic Change 131, 545-557, 2015
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Articles 1–20