stefano picotti
stefano picotti
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P-wave seismic attenuation by slow-wave diffusion: Effects of inhomogeneous rock properties
JM Carcione, S Picotti
Geophysics 71 (3), O1-O8, 2006
Physics and Seismic Modeling for Monitoring CO2 Storage
JM Carcione, S Picotti, D Gei, G Rossi
Pure and applied geophysics 163, 175-207, 2006
Estimation of glacier thicknesses and basal properties using the horizontal-to-vertical component spectral ratio (HVSR) technique from passive seismic data
S Picotti, R Francese, M Giorgi, F Pettenati, JM Carcione
Journal of Glaciology 63 (238), 229-248, 2017
Angular and frequency-dependent wave velocity and attenuation in fractured porous media
JM Carcione, B Gurevich, JE Santos, S Picotti
Pure and Applied Geophysics 170, 1673-1683, 2013
Subglacial Lake Whillans—Seismic observations of a shallow active reservoir beneath a West Antarctic ice stream
HJ Horgan, S Anandakrishnan, RW Jacobel, K Christianson, RB Alley, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 331, 201-209, 2012
Estimation of porosity and fluid saturation in carbonates from rock-physics templates based on seismic Q
M Pang, J Ba, JM Carcione, S Picotti, J Zhou, R Jiang
Geophysics 84 (6), M25-M36, 2019
Cross-hole electromagnetic and seismic modeling for CO2 detection and monitoring in a saline aquifer
JM Carcione, D Gei, S Picotti, A Michelini
Journal of petroleum science and engineering 100, 162-172, 2012
Numerical experiments of fracture-induced velocity and attenuation anisotropy
JM Carcione, S Picotti, JE Santos
Geophysical Journal International 191 (3), 1179-1191, 2012
Anisotropic poroelasticity and wave-induced fluid flow: harmonic finite-element simulations
JM Carcione, JE Santos, S Picotti
Geophysical Journal International 186 (3), 1245-1254, 2011
A viscoelastic representation of wave attenuation in porous media
S Picotti, JM Carcione, JG Rubino, JE Santos, F Cavallini
Computers & Geosciences 36 (1), 44-53, 2010
Anisotropy and crystalline fabric of Whillans Ice Stream (West Antarctica) inferred from multicomponent seismic data
S Picotti, A Vuan, JM Carcione, HJ Horgan, S Anandakrishnan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (6), 4237-4262, 2015
Ultrasonic wave attenuation dependence on saturation in tight oil siltstones
J Ba, R Ma, JM Carcione, S Picotti
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 179, 1114-1122, 2019
Seismic modeling to monitor CO2 geological storage: The Atzbach‐Schwanenstadt gas field
S Picotti, JM Carcione, D Gei, G Rossi, JE Santos
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B6), 2012
P-wave seismic attenuation by slow-wave diffusion: Numerical experiments in partially saturated rocks
S Picotti, JM Carcione, J Germán Rubino, JE Santos
Geophysics 72 (4), N11-N21, 2007
Fracture-induced anisotropic attenuation
JM Carcione, JE Santos, S Picotti
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 45 (5), 929-942, 2012
Characterization of the shallow aquifers by high‐resolution seismic data
M Giustiniani, F Accaino, S Picotti, U Tinivella
Geophysical Prospecting 56 (5), 655-666, 2008
Q‐anisotropy in finely‐layered media
S Picotti, JM Carcione, JE Santos, D Gei
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (6), 2010
Estimating seismic attenuation (Q) in the presence of random noise
S Picotti, JM Carcione
Journal of Seismic Exploration 15 (2), 165-181, 2006
Simulation of upscaling effects due to wave-induced fluid flow in Biot media using the finite-element method
JG Rubino, JE Santos, S Picotti, JM Carcione
Journal of Applied Geophysics 62 (3), 193-203, 2007
Numerical simulation of wave-induced fluid flow seismic attenuation based on the Cole-Cole model
S Picotti, JM Carcione
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142 (1), 134-145, 2017
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