Camille Litty
Camille Litty
University Grenoble Alpes
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Cited by
Quantified sensitivity of small lake sediments to record historic earthquakes: Implications for paleoseismology
B Wilhelm, J Nomade, C Crouzet, C Litty, P Sabatier, S Belle, Y Rolland, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (1), 2-16, 2016
Contrasting tectonically driven exhumation and incision patterns, western versus central Nepal Himalaya
EH Peter van der Beek, Camille Litty, Mallory Baudin, Jonathan Mercier ...
Geology, 2016
Climate-controlled shifts in sediment provenance inferred from detrital zircon ages, western Peruvian Andes
C Litty, P Lanari, M Burn, F Schlunegger
Geology 45 (1), 59-62, 2017
Controls on pebbles’ size and shape in streams of the Swiss Alps
C Litty, F Schlunegger
The Journal of Geology 125 (1), 101-112, 2017
Paleohydraulic reconstruction of a 40 ka‐old terrace sequence implies that water discharge was larger than today
C Litty, R Duller, F Schlunegger
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (7), 884-898, 2016
Environmental controls on 10Be‐based catchment‐averaged denudation rates along the western margin of the Peruvian Andes
R Reber, R Delunel, F Schlunegger, C Litty, A Madella, N Akçar, M Christl
Terra Nova 29 (5), 282-293, 2017
On the potential for regolith control of fluvial terrace formation in semi-arid escarpments
KP Norton, F Schlunegger, C Litty
Earth Surface Dynamics 4 (1), 147-157, 2016
Possible threshold controls on sediment grain properties of Peruvian coastal river basins
C Litty, F Schlunegger, W Viveen
Earth Surface Dynamics 5 (3), 571-583, 2017
Chronology of alluvial terrace sediment accumulation and incision in the Pativilca Valley, western Peruvian Andes
C Litty, F Schlunegger, N Akçar, R Delunel, M Christl, C Vockenhuber
Geomorphology 315, 45-56, 2018
Possible climatic controls on the accumulation of Peru's most prominent alluvial fan: The Lima Conglomerate
C Litty, F Schlunegger, N Akçar, P Lanari, M Christl, C Vockenhuber
Earth surface processes and landforms 44 (5), 991-1003, 2019
On the potential for regolith control of fluvial terrace formation in semi-arid escarpments, Earth Surf. Dynam., 4, 147–157
KP Norton, F Schlunegger, C Litty
Possible threshold controls on sediment grain properties of Peruvian coastal river basins, Earth Surf. Dynam., 5, 571–583
C Litty, F Schlunegger, W Viveen
Cosmogenic 3He and 10Be denudation rates in the Central Andes: Comparison with a natural sediment trap over the last 18 ka
S Zerathe, C Litty, PH Blard, F Delgado, L Audin, J Carcaillet, Aster Team
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 599, 117869, 2022
Spatial variability of Quaternary denudation rates across a volcanic ocean island (Santo Antão, Cape Verde) from cosmogenic 3He
C Litty, J Charreau, PH Blard, R Pik, S Nomade
Geomorphology 375, 107557, 2021
On the potential for regolith control of fluvial terrace formation in semi-arid escarpments
KP Norton, F Schlunegger, C Litty
Earth Surf. Dyn. Discuss 3, 715-738, 2015
The age of the Costa Verde conglomerates in Lima: first results of the Barranco sector
W Viveen, J Sanjurjo, L Ayala, L Zevallos, F Schlunegger, C Litty
Proceedings of the 18th Peruvian Congress of Geology (Expanded Abstract …, 2016
Tectonic control on topographic and exhumational segmentation of the Himalaya
P van der Beek, X Robert, J Mercier, J Braun
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14140, 2012
Role of long-term/continuous erosion events versus extreme and rare events on long-term landscape evolution
C Litty, L Audin, X Robert, N Gribenski, J Carcaillet, PG Valla, S Zerathe
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-9176, 2022
Cuantificación de la tasa de denudación de los últimos 20 Ka utilizando nucleídos cosmogénicos (10Be) en el suroeste de los Andes Peruanos: Laguna Aricota
GF Delgado Madera, S Zerathe, L Audin, X Robert, C Litty, ...
Sociedad Geológica del Perú-SGP, 2021
Quaternary denudation rates of volcanic islands through cosmogenic nuclides 3He (San Antao island-Cabo Verde).
C Litty, J Charreau, PH Blard, R Pik
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
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Articles 1–20