Alfian Akbar Gozali
Cited by
Cited by
Degree centrality and eigenvector centrality in twitter
W Maharani, AA Gozali
2014 8th international conference on telecommunication systems services and …, 2014
Degree centrality for social network with opsahl method
Y Yustiawan, W Maharani, AA Gozali
Procedia Computer Science 59, 419-426, 2015
Impelentasi metode support vector machine untuk melakukan klasifikasi kemacetan lalu lintas pada twitter
E Susilowati, MK Sabariah, AA Gozali
eProceedings of Engineering 2 (1), 2015
Collaborative social network analysis and content-based approach to improve the marketing strategy of SMEs in Indonesia
W Maharani, AA Gozali
Procedia Computer Science 59, 373-381, 2015
Solving university course timetabling problem using localized island model genetic algorithm with dual dynamic migration policy
AA Gozali, B Kurniawan, W Weng, S Fujimura
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 15 (3), 389-400, 2020
A genetic algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling minimizing makespan cost and electricity cost under time-of-use (TOU) tariffs with job delay mechanism
B Kurniawan, AA Gozali, W Weng, S Fujimura
2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2017
Virtual Reality to promote tourism in Indonesia
AH Fauzi, AA Gozali
Jurnal Sistem Komputer 5 (2), 47-50, 2015
Asynchronous island model genetic algorithm for university course timetabling
AA Gozali, J Tirtawangsa, TA Basuki
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Practice and Theory …, 2014
DM-LIMGA: dual migration localized island model genetic algorithm—a better diversity preserver island model
AA Gozali, S Fujimura
Evolutionary Intelligence 12 (4), 527-539, 2019
Localization strategy for island model genetic algorithm to preserve population diversity
AA Gozali, S Fujimura
International Conference on Computer and Information Science, 149-161, 2017
Solving University course timetabling problem using multi-depth genetic algorithm-solving UCTP using MDGA
AA Gozali, S Fujimura
SHS Web of Conferences 77, 01001, 2020
Toba Museum †museum Berbasis Virtual Reality Untuk Mempromosikan Kebudayaan Sumatera Utaraâ€
D Banjarnahor, MF Ginting, H Hidayati, AA Gozali
eProceedings of Applied Science 2 (2), 2016
Jakarta congestion mapping and classification from twitter data extraction using tokenization and naïve bayes classifier
GR Septianto, FF Mukti, M Nasrun, AA Gozali
2015 Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia and Broadcasting, 1-6, 2015
AI in Indian libraries: Prospects and perceptions from library professionals
A Subaveerapandiyan, AA Gozali
Open Information Science 8 (1), 20220164, 2024
Triple‐chromosome genetic algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling under time‐of‐use tariffs
B Kurniawan, W Chandramitasari, AA Gozali, W Weng, S Fujimura
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 15 (2), 208-217, 2020
Reinforced island model genetic algorithm to solve university course timetabling
AA Gozali, S Fujimura
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16 (6 …, 2018
FloNa: Children educational app for Indonesian endangered species based on augmented reality
AH Fauzi, R Wijaya, A Ghazali, EW Wardana, A Prasetio, N Aqila
IJAIT (International Journal of Applied Information Technology), 53-66, 2019
Chronic diseases prediction using machine learning with data preprocessing handling: a critical review
NG Ramadhan, W Maharani, AA Gozali
IEEE Access, 2024
Performance analysis of localization strategy for island model genetic algorithm
AA Gozali, S Fujimura
2017 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2017
Prediction of diabetes mellitus in the upcoming year using SMOTE and random forest
NG Ramadhan, W Maharani, AA Gozali
2023 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA …, 2023
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Articles 1–20