maurizio ferrante
maurizio ferrante
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M Ferrante
São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2002
Diffusion bonding of aluminium oxide to stainless steel using stress relief interlayers
D Travessa, M Ferrante, G Den Ouden
Materials Science and Engineering: A 337 (1-2), 287-296, 2002
Al2O3/Ti interlayer/AISI 304 diffusion bonded joint: Microstructural characterization of the two interfaces
AM Kliauga, D Travessa, M Ferrante
Materials Characterization 46 (1), 65-74, 2001
Rheology and microstructural development of a Al–4wt% Cu alloy in the semi-solid state
M Ferrante, E De Freitas
Materials Science and Engineering: A 271 (1-2), 172-180, 1999
Influence of interfacial properties on the kinetics of precipitation and precipitate coarsening in aluminium-silver alloys
M Ferrante, RD Doherty
Acta Metallurgica 27 (10), 1603-1614, 1979
Microstructure and tensile strength of grade 2 titanium processed by equal-channel angular pressing and by rolling
VL Sordi, M Ferrante, M Kawasaki, TG Langdon
Journal of Materials Science 47, 7870-7876, 2012
The role of oxygen rich inclusions in determining the microstructure of weld metal deposits
M Ferrante, RA Farrar
Journal of Materials Science 17, 3293-3298, 1982
The effect of Al2Cu precipitates on the microstructural evolution, tensile strength, ductility and work-hardening behaviour of a Al–4 wt.% Cu alloy processed by equal-channel …
EF Prados, VL Sordi, M Ferrante
Acta Materialia 61 (1), 115-125, 2013
Diffusion bonding of TI-6AL-4V to AISI 316L stainless steel: mechanical resistance and interface microstructure
M Ferrante, EV Pigoretti
Journal of materials science 37 (13), 2825-2833, 2002
Liquid formation and microstructural evolution during re-heating and partial melting of an extruded A356 aluminium alloy
AM Kliauga, M Ferrante
Acta materialia 53 (2), 345-356, 2005
Microstructure and rheology of an AA2024 aluminium alloy in the semi-solid state, and mechanical properties of a back-extruded part
ER De Freitas, E Ferracini Jr, M Ferrante
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 146 (2), 241-249, 2004
The influence of impurity level and tin addition on the ageing heat treatment of the 356 class alloy
AM Kliauga, EA Vieira, M Ferrante
Materials Science and Engineering: A 480 (1-2), 5-16, 2008
Interface compounds formed during the diffusion bonding of Al2O3 to Ti
AM Kliauga, M Ferrante
Journal of materials science 35, 4243-4249, 2000
Plastic deformation of FCC alloys at cryogenic temperature: the effect of stacking-fault energy on microstructure and tensile behaviour
DCC Magalhães, AM Kliauga, M Ferrante, VL Sordi
Journal of Materials Science 52, 7466-7478, 2017
Prediction of rheological behaviour and segregation susceptibility of semi-solid aluminium–silicon alloys by a simple back extrusion test
EA Vieira, M Ferrante
Acta materialia 53 (20), 5379-5386, 2005
Materials selection as an interdisciplinary technical activity: basic methodology and case studies
M Ferrante, SF Santos, JFR De Castro
Materials Research 3, 1-9, 2000
Metalurgia básica para ourives e designers: do metal à joia
AM Kliauga, M Ferrante
Editora Blucher, 2009
Achieving superplastic properties in a Pb–Sn eutectic alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing
M Kawasaki, A de A. Mendes, VL Sordi, M Ferrante, TG Langdon
Journal of Materials Science 46, 155-160, 2011
Tensile behaviour of an Al–4 wt.% Cu alloy deformed by equal-channel angular pressing
E Prados, V Sordi, M Ferrante
Materials Science and Engineering: A 503 (1-2), 68-70, 2009
Rheological behaviour and deformation characteristics of a commercial and a laboratory-cast Al-4% Cu alloy in the semi-solid state
M Ferrante, ER De Freitas
Acta materialia 49 (18), 3839-3847, 2001
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