Yannis Korkolis
Yannis Korkolis
TU Dortmund - Institut für Umformtechnik und Leichtbau (IUL)
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Inflation and burst of anisotropic aluminum tubes for hydroforming applications
YP Korkolis, S Kyriakides
International Journal of Plasticity 24 (3), 509-543, 2008
Dual-phase steel sheets under cyclic tension–compression to large strains: experiments and crystal plasticity modeling
M Zecevic, YP Korkolis, T Kuwabara, M Knezevic
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 96, 65-87, 2016
Shear resistance of an auxetic chiral mechanical metamaterial
S Jin, YP Korkolis, Y Li
International Journal of Solids and Structures 174, 28-37, 2019
Determination of the fraction of plastic work converted into heat in metals
P Knysh, YP Korkolis
Mechanics of materials 86, 71-80, 2015
Mechanics and full-field deformation study of the ring hoop tension test
CP Dick, YP Korkolis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (18), 3042-3057, 2014
Path-dependent failure of inflated aluminum tubes
YP Korkolis, S Kyriakides
International journal of plasticity 25 (11), 2059-2080, 2009
Plastic anisotropy and ductile fracture of bake-hardened AA6013 aluminum sheet
J Ha, M Baral, YP Korkolis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 155, 123-139, 2018
Inflation and burst of aluminum tubes. Part II: an advanced yield function including deformation-induced anisotropy
YP Korkolis, S Kyriakides
International journal of plasticity 24 (9), 1625-1637, 2008
Cruciform specimen design and verification for constitutive identification of anisotropic sheets
N Deng, T Kuwabara, YP Korkolis
Experimental Mechanics 55, 1005-1022, 2015
Material-based design of the extrusion of bimetallic tubes
M Knezevic, M Jahedi, YP Korkolis, IJ Beyerlein
Computational Materials Science 95, 63-73, 2014
Experimental and numerical framework for study of low velocity water droplet impact dynamics
BR Mitchell, A Nassiri, MR Locke, JC Klewicki, YP Korkolis, BL Kinsey
International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 49897 …, 2016
Plastic deformation of commercially-pure titanium: experiments and modeling
M Baral, T Hama, E Knudsen, YP Korkolis
International Journal of Plasticity 105, 164-194, 2018
Earing in cup-drawing of anisotropic Al-6022-T4 sheets
H Tian, B Brownell, M Baral, YP Korkolis
International Journal of Material Forming 10, 329-343, 2017
Ductility of 304 stainless steel under pulsed uniaxial loading
GW Cullen, YP Korkolis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (10), 1621-1633, 2013
Constitutive modeling and rupture predictions of Al-6061-T6 tubes under biaxial loading paths
YP Korkolis, S Kyriakides, T Giagmouris, LH Lee
Journal of applied mechanics 77 (6), 2010
The transient force profile of low-speed droplet impact: measurements and model
BR Mitchell, JC Klewicki, YP Korkolis, BL Kinsey
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 867, 300-322, 2019
Martensite formation in conventional and isothermal tension of 304 austenitic stainless steel measured by X-ray diffraction
NH Moser, TS Gross, YP Korkolis
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 4891-4896, 2014
On the expansion of a circular hole in an orthotropic elastoplastic thin sheet
J Ha, S Coppieters, YP Korkolis
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 182, 105706, 2020
Residual ductility and microstructural evolution in continuous-bending-under-tension of AA-6022-T4
M Zecevic, TJ Roemer, M Knezevic, YP Korkolis, BL Kinsey
Materials 9 (3), 130, 2016
Hydroforming of anisotropic aluminum tubes: Part II analysis
YP Korkolis, S Kyriakides
International journal of mechanical sciences 53 (2), 83-90, 2011
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Articles 1–20