Simitrio Ignacio Maldonado-Ruiz
Simitrio Ignacio Maldonado-Ruiz
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Microstructural evaluation of wear resistant high chromium, high carbon cast irons
RCO S.I. Maldonado-Ruiz, D. López, D Martínez-Delgado
Materials Science and Technology 20 (3), 393-398, 2004
The effect of Cu content and cooling rate on the percentage and distribution of Epsilon phase in Zn-4Al-(3-5.6)Cu alloys.
FAH E.D. Jareño, M.J. Castro, S.I. Maldonado
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 490 (1-2), 524-530, 2010
Nucleation of Fe-Rich Intermetallic Phases on α-Al2O3 Oxide Films in Al-Si Alloys
AHR Pilar Orozco-González, Manuel Castro-Román, Simitrio Maldonado-Ruíz ...
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 3, 15-25, 2015
Hot Corrosion Behavior of High‐Chromium, High‐Carbon Cast Irons in NaCl‐KCl Molten Salts
S Vuelvas-Rayo, JG Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J Porcayo-Calderon, ...
International Journal of Corrosion 2012 (1), 479761, 2012
Wear of white cast irons by impact of direct reduced iron pellets
RC SI Maldonado-Ruíz, DI Martínez, A Velasco
wear 259 (1-6), 361-366, 2005
Effect of oxide films on formation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases in aluminum alloys
P Orozco, S Maldonado, R Muniz, F Equihua, S Luna, J Ortiz, A García, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 131, 2329-2335, 2018
Effect of V-Ti on the microstructure and abrasive wear behavior of 6CrC cast steel mill balls
MALHR S.I. Maldonado-Ruiz1, P. Orozco-González, V.H. Baltazar-Hernández, A ...
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 2014 (2 …, 2014
Wear resistance of high chromium- high carbon cast irons.
DL SI Maldonado-Ruiz, A Velasco, R Colás
International Journal of Cast Metals Researh 15, 589-594, 2003
Evaluación del Deterioro de los Electrodos al Incrementar el Número de Pulsos del Tiempo de Soldadura en Aceros IF y HSLA Galvanizados y la Afectación de las Propiedades …
MF Delgado-Pamanes, SI Maldonado-Ruiz, MP Guerrero-Mata, ...
Soldagem & Inspeção 21, 469-482, 2017
ELNES of Al-Al4C3 Naoparticles Produced by Mechanical Milling.
VGO A. Santos-Beltrán, S. Maldonado-Ruiz, R. Martínez-Sánchez, F. Espinosa ...
Microsc. Microanal. 14 (2), 362-363, 2008
Evaluating the deterioration of electrodes when increasing the number of pulses in the welding time using galvanised IF and HSLA steels and assigning mechanical properties in …
MF Delgado-Pamanes, SI Maldonado-Ruiz, MP Guerrero-Mata, ...
Welding International 32 (9), 629-639, 2018
Experimental and Numerical Study of Resistance Spot Welding of Galvanized High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Sheets
MF Delgado-Pamanes, LA Reyes-Osorio, MÁ Suárez-Rosales, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 31 (7), 5298-5310, 2022
Recubrimiento de cono quebrador de mineral mediante el proceso de soldadura SMAW
LBE Alejandro, AH Francisco, MR Simitrio, LI Alejandro, BHV Hugo
Assessment of Impairment of the Electrodes by Increasing the Number of Pulses of the Welding Time on IF and HSLA Steels Galvanized and Involvement of the Mechanical Properties …
MF Delgado-Pamanes, SI Maldonado-Ruiz, MP Guerrero-Mata, ...
Soldagem & Inspeção 21, 469-482, 2017
Desgaste de aleaciones de hierro Cr-Mo-V-Ti para medios de molienda de minerales
S Maldonado, V Baltazar, E López, P Orozco, O Alonso
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, 1-8, 2015
Hot corrosion behavior of high-chromium, high-carbon cast irons in naci-kcimolten salts
The cooling conditions effects on the fraction and morphology of the epsilon primary phase in an ACuZinc5TM commercial alloy; Efecto de las condiciones de enfriamiento sobre la …
ED Jareno, SI Maldonado, FA Hernandez
Revista de Metalurgia 48, 2012
Efecto de las condiciones de enfriamiento sobre la fracción y morfología de la fase primaria épsilon en una aleación comercial ACuZinc5TM
FAH E. D. Jareño, S. I. Maldonado
Revista de Metalurgia 48 (6), 414-423, 2012
Hot Corrosion Behavior of High Chromium, High Carbon Cast Irons in NaCl-KCl Molten Salts, International Journal of Corrosion
VMSBSIMR SILOE VUELVAS-RAYO, Jose Gonzalo Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. Porcayo ...
International Journal of Corrosion 2012, 1-9, 2012
Erosion characteristics of cast iron with CrE/CE=4
AV S.I. Maldonado-Ruiz
REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA 55 (1), 139-143, 2009
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Articles 1–20