Garrett Pataky
Garrett Pataky
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Elastocaloric cooling potential of NiTi, Ni2FeGa, and CoNiAl
GJ Pataky, E Ertekin, H Sehitoglu
Acta Materialia 96, 420-427, 2015
The influence of incorporation of Mn on the pitting corrosion performance of CrFeCoNi High Entropy Alloy at different temperatures
H Torbati-Sarraf, M Shabani, PD Jablonski, GJ Pataky, A Poursaee
Materials & Design 184, 108170, 2019
Superior fatigue crack growth resistance, irreversibility, and fatigue crack growth–microstructure relationship of nanocrystalline alloys
MD Sangid, GJ Pataky, H Sehitoglu, RG Rateick, T Niendorf, HJ Maier
Acta Materialia 59 (19), 7340-7355, 2011
Effect of Strain Rate on the Tensile Behavior of CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys
M Shabani, J Indeck, K Hazeli, P Jablonski, GJ Pataky
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28 (7), 4348-4356, 2019
Increasing fracture toughness via architected porosity
KM Conway, C Kunka, BC White, GJ Pataky, BL Boyce
Materials & Design 205, 109696, 2021
Full field measurements of anisotropic stress intensity factor ranges in fatigue
GJ Pataky, MD Sangid, H Sehitoglu, RF Hamilton, HJ Maier, P Sofronis
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 94, 13-28, 2012
High temperature fatigue crack growth of Haynes 230
GJ Pataky, H Sehitoglu, HJ Maier
Materials Characterization 75, 69-78, 2013
Crazing in additively manufactured acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
KM Conway, GJ Pataky
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 211, 114-124, 2019
Creep deformation and mechanisms in Haynes 230 at 800 C and 900 C
GJ Pataky, H Sehitoglu, HJ Maier
Journal of nuclear materials 443 (1-3), 484-490, 2013
High resolution analysis of opening and sliding in fatigue crack growth
MD Sangid, GJ Pataky, H Sehitoglu, RF Hamilton, HJ Maier
International Journal of Fatigue 37, 134-145, 2012
Experimental methodology for studying strain heterogeneity with microstructural data from high temperature deformation
GJ Pataky, H Sehitoglu
Experimental Mechanics 55, 53-63, 2015
Fatigue crack growth in Haynes 230 single crystals: an analysis with digital image correlation
S Rabbolini, GJ Pataky, H Sehitoglu, S Beretta
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 38 (5), 583-596, 2015
The evolved microstructure ahead of an arrested fatigue crack in Haynes 230
DW Gross, K Nygren, GJ Pataky, J Kacher, H Sehitoglu, IM Robertson
Acta materialia 61 (15), 5768-5778, 2013
Tensile deformation behavior of twist grain boundaries in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy bicrystals
H Lee, M Shabani, GJ Pataky, F Abdeljawad
Scientific reports 11 (1), 428, 2021
The interplay of geometric defects and porosity on the mechanical behavior of additively manufactured components
BA Smith, CM Laursen, J Bartanus, JD Carroll, GJ Pataky
Experimental Mechanics 61, 685-698, 2021
Fatigue crack growth behavior of the quaternary 3d transition metal high entropy alloy CoCrFeNi
WM Williams, M Shabani, PD Jablonski, GJ Pataky
International Journal of Fatigue 148, 106232, 2021
Effective area method for calculating global properties of cellular materials
KM Conway, GJ Pataky
Materials Today Communications 17, 144-152, 2018
Introducing Heusler intermetallics for synergic effect of grain refinement and precipitation strengthening in high-strength low-alloy steels
RR De Vecchis, X Wang, S Sridar, Z Wang, GJ Pataky, W Xiong
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 904, 163885, 2022
Finite element simulation of single crystal and polycrystalline Haynes 230 specimens
PG Luccarelli, GJ Pataky, H Sehitoglu, S Foletti
International Journal of Solids and Structures 115, 270-278, 2017
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 7
J Carroll, S Xia, AM Beese, RB Berke, GJ Pataky
Springer International Publishing:, 2018
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Articles 1–20