Maria M. Hedblom
Maria M. Hedblom
Jönköping Tekniska Högskola, Jönköping University
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Cited by
Choosing the right path: Image schema theory as a foundation for concept invention
MM Hedblom, O Kutz, F Neuhaus
Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 6 (1), 21-54, 2015
Image schemas and concept invention: cognitive, logical, and linguistic investigations
MM Hedblom
Springer Nature, 2020
Image schemas and concept invention: cognitive, logical, and linguistic investigations
MM Hedblom
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, 2019
Image Schema Combinations and Complex Events
MM Hedblom, O Kutz, R Peñaloza, G Guizzardi
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 1-13, 2019
Image schemas in computational conceptual blending
MM Hedblom, O Kutz, F Neuhaus
Cognitive Systems Research 39, 42-57, 2016
Between Contact and Support: Introducing a Logic for Image Schemas and Directed Movement
MM Hedblom, O Kutz, T Mossakowski, F Neuhaus
AI* IA 2017 Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XVIth International …, 2017
Ontology-Based Model Abstraction
G Guizzardi, G Figueiredo, MM Hedblom, G Poels
IEEE Thirteen International Conference on Research Challenges in Information, 2019
Breaking into pieces: An ontological approach to conceptual model complexity management
G Figueiredo, A Duchardt, MM Hedblom, G Guizzardi
2018 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2018
Kinesthetic Mind Reader: A Method to Identify Image Schemas in Natural Language
D Gromann, MM Hedblom
Advances in Cognitive Systems 5, Paper 9, 2017
A narrative in three acts: Using combinations of image schemas to model events
TR Besold, MM Hedblom, O Kutz
Biologically inspired cognitive architectures 19, 10-20, 2017
In, out and through: formalising some dynamic aspects of the image schema containment
MM Hedblom, D Gromann, O Kutz
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 918-925, 2018
Body-Mind-Language: Multilingual Knowledge Extraction Based on Embodied Cognition.
D Gromann, MM Hedblom
AIC, 20-33, 2017
Dynamic Action Selection Using Image Schema-based Reasoning for Robots
MM Hedblom, M Pomarlan, R Porzel, R Malaka, M Beetz
7th Joint Ontology Workshops, 2021
Image schemas and conceptual dependency primitives: A comparison
JC Macbeth, D Gromann, MM Hedblom
The Mouse and the Ball-Towards a Cognitively-Based and Ontologically-Grounded Logic of Agency
O Kutz, N Troquard, MM Hedblom, D Porello
Formal Ontology in Information Systems, 141-148, 2018
Asymmetric hybrids: Dialogues for computational concept combination
G Righetti, D Porello, N Troquard, O Kutz, MM Hedblom, P Galliani
Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS) 344, 81-96, 2021
Cutting Events: Towards Autonomous Plan Adaption by Robotic Agents through Image-Schematic Event Segmentation
K Dhanabalachandran, V Hassouna, MM Hedblom, M Kümpel, ...
The Eleventh International Conference on Knowledge Capture, 2021
Breaking down finance: A method for concept simplification by identifying movement structures from the image schema path-following
D Gromann, MM Hedblom
JOWO 2016, 2016
Image schemas as families of theories
MM Hedblom, O Kutz, F Neuhaus
Besold, TR; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Schorlemmer, M, 19-33, 2015
On the Cognitive and Logical Role of Image Schemas in Computational Conceptual Blending.
MM Hedblom, O Kutz, F Neuhaus
AIC, 110-121, 2014
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Articles 1–20