David Robert Tivey
David Robert Tivey
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and The University of Adelaide
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Body and intestinal growth of broiler chicks on a commercial starter diet. 1. Intestinal weight and mucosal development
PA Iji, A Saki, DR Tivey
British poultry science 42 (4), 505-513, 2001
Intestinal structure and function of broiler chickens on diets supplemented with a mannan oligosaccharide
PA Iji, AA Saki, DR Tivey
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 81 (12), 1186-1192, 2001
Intestinal development and body growth of broiler chicks on diets supplemented with non-starch polysaccharides
PA Iji, AA Saki, DR Tivey
Animal Feed Science and Technology 89 (3-4), 175-188, 2001
Bacterial modulation of small intestinal goblet cells and mucin composition during early posthatch development of poultry
REA Forder, GS Howarth, DR Tivey, RJ Hughes
Poultry science 86 (11), 2396-2403, 2007
Natural and synthetic oligosaccharides in broiler chicken diets
PA Iji, DR Tivey
World's Poultry Science Journal 54 (2), 129-143, 1998
Intestinal structure and function of broiler chickens on wheat-based diets supplemented with a microbial enzyme
PA Iji, RJ Hughes, M Choct, DR Tivey
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 14 (1), 54-60, 2001
Epidermal growth factor selectively increases maltase and sucrase activities in neonatal piglet intestine.
PS James, MW Smith, DR Tivey, TJ Wilson
The Journal of physiology 393 (1), 583-594, 1987
Body and intestinal growth of broiler chicks on a commercial starter diet. 2. Development and characteristics of intestinal enzymes
PA Iji, A Saki, DR Tivey
British Poultry Science 42 (4), 514-522, 2001
Mandibular distraction osteogenesis for the management of upper airway obstruction in children with micrognathia: a systematic review
O Breik, D Tivey, K Umapathysivam, P Anderson
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 45 (6), 769-782, 2016
M cell numbers increase after transfer of SPF mice to a normal animal house environment.
MW Smith, PS James, DR Tivey
The American Journal of Pathology 128 (3), 385, 1987
Systemic infusion of IGF-I or LR (3) IGF-I stimulates visceral organ growth and proliferation of gut tissues in suckling rats
CB Steeb, CA Shoubridge, DR Tivey, LC Read
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 272 (3 …, 1997
Screening and testing for COVID‐19 before surgery
JG Kovoor, DR Tivey, P Williamson, L Tan, HS Kopunic, WJ Babidge, ...
ANZ Journal of Surgery 90 (10), 1845-1856, 2020
A novel breath test for the non-invasive assessment of small intestinal mucosal injury following methotrexate administration in the rat
NS Pelton, DR Tivey, GS Howarth, GP Davidson, RN Butler
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 39 (10), 1015-1016, 2004
Surgery triage during the COVID‐19 pandemic
WJ Babidge, DR Tivey, JG Kovoor, K Weidenbach, TG Collinson, ...
ANZ journal of surgery 90 (9), 1558-1565, 2020
Role of thyroid hormones in early postnatal development of skeletal muscle and its implications for undernutrition
AP Harrison, DR Tivey, T Clausen, C Duchamp, MJ Dauncey
British Journal of Nutrition 76 (6), 841-855, 1996
Role of passive potassium fluxes in cell volume regulation in cultured HeLa cells
DR Tivey, NL Simmons, JF Aiton
The Journal of membrane biology 87, 93-105, 1985
Effect of oral insulin on lactase activity, mRNA, and posttranscriptional processing in the newborn pig
RJ Shulman, DR Tivey, I Sunitha, MA Dudley, SJ Henning
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 14 (2), 166-172, 1992
Personal protective equipment and evidence‐based advice for surgical departments during COVID‐19
L Tan, JG Kovoor, P Williamson, DR Tivey, WJ Babidge, TG Collinson, ...
ANZ Journal of Surgery 90 (9), 1566-1572, 2020
Leaving surgical training: some of the reasons are in surgery
D Forel, M Vandepeer, J Duncan, DR Tivey, SA Tobin
ANZ journal of surgery 88 (5), 402-407, 2018
Systematic review of a patient care bundle in reducing staphylococcal infections in cardiac and orthopaedic surgery
N Ma, A Cameron, D Tivey, N Grae, S Roberts, A Morris
ANZ Journal of Surgery 87 (4), 239-246, 2017
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Articles 1–20