Andri Christodoulou
Andri Christodoulou
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Cited by
Learning to argue: A study of four schools and their attempt to develop the use of argumentation as a common instructional practice and its impact on students
J Osborne, S Simon, A Christodoulou, C Howell‐Richardson, ...
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 50 (3), 315-347, 2013
The science classroom as a site of epistemic talk: A case study of a teacher's attempts to teach science based on argument
A Christodoulou, J Osborne
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 51 (10), 1275-1300, 2014
Building teachers’ research literacy: integrating practice and research
C Evans, M Waring, A Christodoulou
Research Papers in Education 32 (4), 403-423, 2017
Meet the scientist: the value of short interactions between scientists and students
K Woods-Townsend, A Christodoulou, W Rietdijk, J Byrne, J Griffiths, ...
International Journal of Science Education Part B, 2015
Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning as a means toward environmental citizenship
MR Ariza, A Christodoulou, M van Harskamp, MCPJ Knippels, EA Kyza, ...
Sustainability 13 (20), 11509, 2021
LifeLab Southampton: A programme to engage adolescents with DOHaD concepts as a tool for increasing health literacy in teenagers–a pilot cluster-randomized control trial
K Woods-Townsend, H Leat, J Bay, L Bagust, H Davey, D Lovelock, ...
Journal of developmental origins of health and disease 9 (5), 475-480, 2018
Walton's types of argumentation dialogues as classroom discourse sequences
C Rapanta, A Christodoulou
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 36, 100352, 2022
Environmental citizenship in secondary formal education: The importance of curriculum and subject teachers
N Gericke, L Huang, MC Knippels, A Christodoulou, F Van Dam, ...
Conceptualizing environmental citizenship for 21st century education, 193-212, 2020
The role of science education in a changing world
J Adams, L Avraamidou, DB Jacobs, SB Boujaoude, L Bryan, ...
Lorentz Center Leiden, 2018
Engaging teenagers in improving their health behaviours and increasing their interest in science (Evaluation of LifeLab Southampton): study protocol for a cluster randomized …
K Woods-Townsend, L Bagust, M Barker, A Christodoulou, H Davey, ...
Trials 16, 1-9, 2015
The use of Cartography of Controversy within socioscientific issues-based education: students’ mapping of the badger-cattle controversy in England
A Christodoulou, R Levinson, P Davies, M Grace, J Nicholl, W Rietdijk
International Journal of Science Education 43 (15), 2479-2500, 2021
Science and society in education: Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning: connecting formal and informal science education with society
R Levinson, MC Knippels, F van Dam, E A Kyza, A Christodoulou, ...
Universiteit Utrecht, 2017
Professional development in the use of discussion and argument in secondary school science departments
S Simon, K Richardson, C Howell-Richardson, A Christodoulou, ...
Contemporary science education research, 245, 2010
Howell-Richardson Ch., Richardson K., Learning to argue: A study of four schools and their attempt to develop the use of argumetnation as a common instructional practice and …
J Osborne, S Simon, A Christodoulou
Journal of research in science teaching 50 (3), 315-347, 2013
Really working scientifically: strategies for engaging students with socio-scientific inquiry-based learning (SSIBL)
R Amos, A Christodoulou
School Science Review, 2018
Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning: connecting formal and informal science education with society
R Levinson, MC Knippels, F Van Dam, E Kyza, A Christodoulou, ...
PARRISE consortium [Retrieved on November 6, 2018 from www. parrise. eu], 2017
Science for health literacy: it’s never been so important
M Grace, K Woods-Townsend, J Byrne, A Christodoulou, J Griffiths, ...
Education in Science 252, 16-17, 2013
Engaging in and with research to improve STEM education
A Christodoulou
ReseaRch PaPeRs in education 32 (4), 535-537, 2017
A study of student beliefs about the epistemology of science and their relationship with students’ personal epistemologies
A Christodoulou, J Osborne, K Richardson, C Howell-Richardson, ...
Argumentation within societal contexts in chemistry education
A Christodoulou, M Grace
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Articles 1–20