Denton Ebel
Denton Ebel
Curator of Meteorites, American Museum of Natural History
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Comet 81P/Wild 2 under a microscope
D Brownlee, P Tsou, J Aléon, CMOD Alexander, T Araki, S Bajt, ...
science 314 (5806), 1711-1716, 2006
Mineralogy and petrology of comet 81P/Wild 2 nucleus samples
ME Zolensky, TJ Zega, H Yano, S Wirick, AJ Westphal, MK Weisberg, ...
Science 314 (5806), 1735-1739, 2006
Condensation in dust-enriched systems
DS Ebel, L Grossman
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (2), 339-366, 2000
The major-element composition of Mercury’s surface from MESSENGER X-ray spectrometry
LR Nittler, RD Starr, SZ Weider, TJ McCoy, WV Boynton, DS Ebel, ...
Science 333 (6051), 1847-1850, 2011
The formation conditions of chondrules and chondrites
CMOD Alexander, JN Grossman, DS Ebel, FJ Ciesla
Science 320 (5883), 1617-1619, 2008
Radar-enabled recovery of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite, a carbonaceous chondrite regolith breccia
P Jenniskens, MD Fries, QZ Yin, M Zolensky, AN Krot, SA Sandford, ...
Science 338 (6114), 1583-1587, 2012
Radioactive elements on Mercury’s surface from MESSENGER: Implications for the planet’s formation and evolution
PN Peplowski, LG Evans, SA Hauck, TJ McCoy, WV Boynton, ...
science 333 (6051), 1850-1852, 2011
Elemental and isotopic fractionation of Type B calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusions: Experiments, theoretical considerations, and constraints on their thermal evolution
FM Richter, AM Davis, DS Ebel, A Hashimoto
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (3), 521-540, 2002
Petrogenesis of the flood-basalt sequence at Noril'sk, North Central Siberia
VA Fedorenko, PC Lightfoot, AJ Naldrett, GK Czamanske, ...
International Geology Review 38 (2), 99-135, 1996
Condensation of rocky material in astrophysical environments
DS Ebel, DS Lauretta, HY McSween
Meteorites and the early solar system II 1, 253-277, 2006
Solar nebula magnetic fields recorded in the Semarkona meteorite
RR Fu, BP Weiss, EA Lima, RJ Harrison, XN Bai, SJ Desch, DS Ebel, ...
Science 346 (6213), 1089-1092, 2014
Evidence for geochemical terranes on Mercury: Global mapping of major elements with MESSENGER's X-Ray Spectrometer
SZ Weider, LR Nittler, RD Starr, EJ Crapster-Pregont, PN Peplowski, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 416, 109-120, 2015
Hf–W mineral isochron for Ca, Al-rich inclusions: age of the solar system and the timing of core formation in planetesimals
C Burkhardt, T Kleine, B Bourdon, H Palme, J Zipfel, JM Friedrich, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (24), 6177-6197, 2008
Major element chemical and isotopic compositions of refractory inclusions in C3 chondrites: The separate roles of condensation and evaporation
L Grossman, DS Ebel, SB Simon, AM Davis, FM Richter, NM Parsad
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (16), 2879-2894, 2000
Fractional crystallization of sulfide ore liquids at high temperature
DS Ebel, AJ Naldrett
Economic Geology 91 (3), 607-621, 1996
Mercury’s weather-beaten surface: Understanding Mercury in the context of lunar and asteroidal space weathering studies
DL Domingue, CR Chapman, RM Killen, TH Zurbuchen, JA Gilbert, ...
Space Science Reviews 181, 121-214, 2014
Chondrule size and related physical properties: A compilation and evaluation of current data across all meteorite groups
JM Friedrich, MK Weisberg, DS Ebel, AE Biltz, BM Corbett, IV Iotzov, ...
Geochemistry 75 (4), 419-443, 2015
Magnetic evidence for a partially differentiated carbonaceous chondrite parent body
L Carporzen, BP Weiss, LT Elkins-Tanton, DL Shuster, D Ebel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (16), 6386-6389, 2011
Crystallization of sulfide liquids and the interpretation of ore composition
DS Ebel, AJ Naldrett
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 34 (4), 352-365, 1997
Meteorite 3‐D synchrotron microtomography: Methods and applications
DS Ebel, ML Rivers
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42 (9), 1627-1646, 2007
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Articles 1–20