Kelly LeRoux
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Cited by
Networks in public administration scholarship: Understanding where we are and where we need to go
KR Isett, IA Mergel, K LeRoux, PA Mischen, RK Rethemeyer
Journal of public administration research and theory 21 (suppl_1), i157-i173, 2011
Does performance measurement improve strategic decision making? Findings from a national survey of nonprofit social service agencies
K LeRoux, NS Wright
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39 (4), 571-587, 2010
Performance regimes amidst governance complexity
DP Moynihan, S Fernandez, S Kim, KM LeRoux, SJ Piotrowski, BE Wright, ...
Journal of public administration research and theory 21 (suppl_1), i141-i155, 2011
A preliminary theory of informal accountability among network organizational actors
BS Romzek, K LeRoux, JM Blackmar
Public administration review 72 (3), 442-453, 2012
Interlocal service cooperation in US cities: A social network explanation
K LeRoux, PW Brandenburger, SK Pandey
Public administration review 70 (2), 268-278, 2010
Institutional ties, transaction costs, and external service production
JB Carr, K LeRoux, M Shrestha
Urban Affairs Review 44 (3), 403-427, 2009
Nonprofits as civic intermediaries: The role of community-based organizations in promoting political participation
K LeRoux
Urban Affairs Review 42 (3), 410-422, 2007
Explaining local government cooperation on public works: Evidence from Michigan
K LeRoux, JB Carr
Public Works Management & Policy 12 (1), 344-358, 2007
Informal accountability in multisector service delivery collaborations
B Romzek, K LeRoux, J Johnston, RJ Kempf, JS Piatak
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 24 (4), 813-842, 2014
Political advocacy by nonprofit organizations: A strategic management explanation
K LeRoux, HT Goerdel
Public performance & management review 32 (4), 514-536, 2009
Paternalistic or participatory governance? Examining opportunities for client participation in nonprofit social service organizations
K LeRoux
Public Administration Review 69 (3), 504-517, 2009
The future of public administration around the world: The Minnowbrook perspective
HG Frederickson, WH Lambright, DP Moynihan, S Piotrowski, ME Guy, ...
Georgetown University Press, 2011
Managing stakeholder demands: Balancing responsiveness to clients and funding agents in nonprofit social service organizations
K LeRoux
Administration & Society 41 (2), 158-184, 2009
What drives nonprofit entrepreneurship? A look at budget trends of metro Detroit social service agencies
KM LeRoux
The American Review of Public Administration 35 (4), 350-362, 2005
Managerial networking in nonprofit organizations: The impact of networking on organizational and advocacy effectiveness
M Johansen, K LeRoux
Public Administration Review 73 (2), 355-363, 2013
Developmental culture and effectiveness in nonprofit organizations
J Langer, K LeRoux
Public Performance & Management Review 40 (3), 457-479, 2017
Factors attracting individuals to nonprofit management over public and private sector management
K LeRoux, MK Feeney
Nonprofit Management and Leadership 24 (1), 43-62, 2013
The effects of descriptive representation on nonprofits’ civic intermediary roles: A test of the “racial mismatch” hypothesis in the social services sector
K LeRoux
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 38 (5), 741-760, 2009
Prospects for centralizing services in an urban county: Evidence from eight self-organized networks of local public services
K LeRoux, JB Carr
Journal of Urban Affairs 32 (4), 449-470, 2010
City managers, career incentives, and municipal service decisions: The effects of managerial progressive ambition on interlocal service delivery
K LeRoux, SK Pandey
Public Administration Review 71 (4), 627-636, 2011
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Articles 1–20