Lauren Chapman
Cited by
Cited by
Ecological constraints on group size: an analysis of spider monkey and chimpanzee subgroups
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman, RW Wrangham
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36, 59-70, 1995
Estimators of fruit abundance of tropical trees
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman, R Wangham, K Hunt, D Gebo, L Gardner
Biotropica, 527-531, 1992
Biodiversity and fishery sustainability in the Lake Victoria basin: an unexpected marriage?
JS Balirwa, CA Chapman, LJ Chapman, IG Cowx, K Geheb, ...
BioScience 53 (8), 703-715, 2003
A long-term evaluation of fruiting phenology: importance of climate change
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman, TT Struhsaker, AE Zanne, CJ Clark, ...
Journal of Tropical ecology 21 (1), 31-45, 2005
Determinants of group size in primates: the importance of travel costs
On the move: How and why animals travel in groups, 24-42, 2000
Fruit and flower phenology at two sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda
CA Chapman, RW Wrangham, LJ Chapman, DK Kennard, AE Zanne
Journal of Tropical ecology 15 (2), 189-211, 1999
Physiological refugia: swamps, hypoxia tolerance and maintenance of fish diversity in the Lake Victoria region
LJ Chapman, CA Chapman, FG Nordlie, AE Rosenberger
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2002
Indices of habitat-wide fruit abundance in tropical forest
CA Chapman, R Wrangham, LJ Chapman
Biotropica, 160-171, 1994
Forest regeneration in logged and unlogged forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman
Biotropica 29 (4), 396-412, 1997
Survival without dispersers: seedling recruitment under parents
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman
Conservation Biology 9 (3), 675-678, 1995
Phenotypic plasticity and the possible role of genetic assimilation: Hypoxia-induced trade-offs in the morphological traits of an African cichlid
L Chapman, F Galis, J Shinn
Ecology Letters 3, 388-393, 2000
Variation in the nutritional value of primate foods: among trees, time periods, and areas
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman, KD Rode, EM Hauck, LR McDowell
International Journal of Primatology 24, 317-333, 2003
Seed dispersal by forest chimpanzees in Uganda
RW Wrangham, CA Chapman, LJ Chapman
Journal of Tropical Ecology 10 (3), 355-368, 1994
Behavioral responses and ecological consequences
LJ Chapman, DJ Mckenzie
Fish physiology 27, 25-77, 2009
Foraging challenges of red colobus monkeys: influence of nutrients and secondary compounds
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2002
Land use and the ecology of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages of high‐altitude rainforest streams in Uganda
A Kasangaki, LJ Chapman, J Balirwa
Freshwater biology 53 (4), 681-697, 2008
Habitat selection: patterns of spatial distribution from behavioural decisions
DL Kramer, RW Rangeley, LJ Chapman
Behavioural ecology of teleost fishes, 37-80, 1997
Constraints on group size in red colobus and red-tailed guenons: examining the generality of the ecological constraints model
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman
International Journal of Primatology 21, 565-585, 2000
Forest restoration in abandoned agricultural land: a case study from East Africa
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman
Conservation Biology 13 (6), 1301-1311, 1999
Application of protein-to-fiber ratios to predict colobine abundance on different spatial scales
CA Chapman, LJ Chapman, KA Bjorndal, DA Onderdonk
International Journal of Primatology 23, 283-310, 2002
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Articles 1–20