Stable isotope geochemical study of Pamukkale travertines: new evidences of low-temperature non-equilibrium calcite-water fractionation S Kele, M Özkul, I Fórizs, A Gökgöz, MO Baykara, MC Alçiçek, T Németh Sedimentary Geology 238 (1-2), 191-212, 2011 | 238 | 2011 |
Comparison of the Quaternary travertine sites in the Denizli extensional basin based on their depositional and geochemical data M Özkul, S Kele, A Gökgöz, CC Shen, B Jones, MO Baykara, I Fόrizs, ... Sedimentary Geology 294, 179-204, 2013 | 184 | 2013 |
Hydrothermal fluids circulation and travertine deposition in an active tectonic setting: Insights from the Kamara geothermal area (western Anatolia, Turkey) A Brogi, MC Alcicek, CÇ Yalçıner, E Capezzuoli, D Liotta, M Meccheri, ... Tectonophysics 680, 211-232, 2016 | 82 | 2016 |
Sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of a fluvial travertine: A case from the eastern Mediterranean region M Özkul, Aİ Gökgöz, S Kele, MO Baykara, CC Shen, YW Chang, A Kaya, ... Sedimentology 61 (1), 291-318, 2014 | 66 | 2014 |
Growth of a Pleistocene giant carbonate vein and nearby thermogene travertine deposits at Semproniano, southern Tuscany, Italy: Estimate of CO2 leakage G Berardi, G Vignaroli, A Billi, F Rossetti, M Soligo, S Kele, MO Baykara, ... Tectonophysics 690, 219-239, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Key travertine tectofacies for neotectonics and palaeoseismicity reconstruction: effects of hydrothermal overpressured fluid injection A Brogi, E Capezzuoli, S Kele, MO Baykara, CC Shen Journal of the Geological Society 174 (4), 679-699, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
Calcite veining and feeding conduits in a hydrothermal system: Insights from a natural section across the Pleistocene Gölemezli travertine depositional system (western Anatolia … E Capezzuoli, G Ruggieri, V Rimondi, A Brogi, D Liotta, MC Alçiçek, ... Sedimentary Geology 364, 180-203, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
Pleistocene-Holocene tectonic reconstruction of the Ballık travertine (Denizli Graben, SW Turkey):(De) formation of large travertine geobodies at intersecting grabens K Van Noten, S Topal, MO Baykara, M Özkul, H Claes, C Aratman, ... Journal of Structural Geology 118, 114-134, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Multi-proxy speleothem record of climate instability during the early last interglacial in southern Turkey PJ Rowe, LB Wickens, D Sahy, AD Marca, E Peckover, S Noble, M Özkul, ... Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 538, 109422, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Abrupt Southern Great Plains thunderstorm shifts linked to glacial climate variability CR Maupin, EB Roark, K Thirumalai, CC Shen, C Schumacher, ... Nature Geoscience 14 (6), 396-401, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Multi-isotope investigations for scientific characterisation and provenance implication of banded travertines from Tripolis Antique City (Denizli–Turkey) T Koralay, MO Baykara, K Deniz, YK Kadioğlu, B Duman, CC Shen Environmental Archaeology 24 (3), 317-336, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Güneybatı Anadoluda mağara çökellerinin incelenmesi ve paleoiklimsel değerlendirmeleri MO Baykara Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
First records of syn-diagenetic non-tectonic folding in quaternary thermogene travertines caused by hydrothermal incremental veining A Billi, G Berardi, JP Gratier, F Rossetti, G Vignaroli, MO Baykara, ... Tectonophysics 700, 60-79, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Comparison of the isotope hydrogeological features of thermal and cold karstic waters in the Denizli Basin (Turkey) and Buda Thermal Karst (Hungary) I Fórizs, S Kele, J Deák, A Gökgöz, M Özkul, MO Baykara, MC Alçiçek Central European Geology 54 (1-2), 115-119, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Çokrağan–Yukarı karacahisar (banaz-Uşak) karstik kaynaklarınınhidrojeolojik incelenmesi MO Baykara PQDT-Global, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Reply to the comment on “First records of syn-diagenetic non-tectonic folding in Quaternary thermogene travertines caused by hydrothermal incremental veining” by Billi et alii A Billi, G Berardi, JP Gratier, F Rossetti, G Vignaroli, MO Baykara, ... Tectonophysics 721, 501-512, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Hydrogeological and speleological characterization of a karstic spring: the Cokragan cave system MO Baykara, Ü Gemici Carbonates and Evaporites 39 (3), 69, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Ümitli Yaylası’nın (Gündoğmuş, Antalya) jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik özellikleri MO Baykara Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 24 (3), 554-560, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Mağara Okuryazarlığı MO Baykara, D Özgür Eğitimde Coğrafya Okuryazarlığı 3, 219-254, 2023 | | 2023 |
Late Holocene climate record from Sırtlanini Cave (central west Anatolia) stalagmite: implications from U-series dating, mineralogy and isotope data EÜ İmer, İÖ Yılmaz, MO Baykara, JX Zhao EGU21, 2021 | | 2021 |