Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine
Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine
Professeur de Biologie, Université Tunis El Manar
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Cited by
Fragmentation of sea bass populations in the western and eastern Mediterranean as revealed by microsatellite polymorphism
L Bahri-Sfar, C Lemaire, OK Ben Hassine, F Bonhomme
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Monitoring of dioxin-like, estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities in sediments of the Bizerta lagoon (Tunisia) by means of in vitro cell-based bioassays: contribution of low …
I Louiz, S Kinani, ME Gouze, M Ben Attia, D Menif, S Bouchonnet, ...
Science of the Total Environment 402 (2-3), 318-329, 2008
Gonadosomatic index and gonad histopathology of Gobius niger (Gobiidea, Teleost) from Bizerta lagoon (Tunisia): evidence of reproduction disturbance
I Louiz, M Ben-Attia, OK Ben-Hassine
Fisheries Research 100 (3), 266-273, 2009
Geography and host specificity: two forces behind the genetic structure of the freshwater fish parasite Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae)
W Bouzid, J Štefka, V Hypša, S Lek, T Scholz, L Legal, OK Ben Hassine, ...
International Journal of Parasitology 38 (12), 1465 - 1479, 2008
A study on Pomatoschistus tortonesei Miller 1968 (Perciformes, Gobiidae) reveals the Siculo-Tunisian Strait (STS) as a breakpoint to gene flow in the Mediterranean basin
R Mejri, SL Brutto, OK Ben Hassine, M Arculeo
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (2), 596-601, 2009
Associated fauna of the fan shell Pinna nobilis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the northern and eastern Tunisian coasts
L Rabaoui, S Tlig-Zouari, A Cosentino, OK Ben Hassine
Scientia Marina 73 (1), 129-141, 2009
Comparison of absolute and relative growth patterns among five Pinna nobilis populations along the Tunisian coastline: an information theory approach
L Rabaoui, S Tlig Zouari, S Katsanevakis, OK Ben Hassine
Marine Biology 152, 537-548, 2007
Les Copépodes parasites de Poissons Mugilidae en Méditerranée occidentales (Côtes françaises et tunisiennes): morphologie, bio-écologie, cycles evolutifs
OK Ben Hassine
Université des Sciences (USTL) de Montpellier - Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat, 1983
Genetic architecture of the marbled goby Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Perciformes, Gobiidae) in the Mediterranean Sea
R Mejri, M Arculeo, OK Ben Hassine, SL Brutto
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 58 (2), 395-403, 2011
Preliminary analysis of parasitic copepod species richness among coastal fishes of Tunisia
B Benmansour, OK Ben Hassine
Italian Journal of Zoology 65 (Supp 1), 341 - 344, 1998
Modelling population density of Pinna nobilis (Bivalvia) on the eastern and southeastern coast of Tunisia
L Rabaoui, S Tlig-Zouari, S Katsanevakis, OK Ben Hassine
Journal of Molluscan Studies 76 (4), 340-347, 2010
Kudoa azevedoi n. sp. (Myxozoa, Multivalvulida) from the oocytes of the Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Perciformes, Carangidae) in Tunisian coasts
L Mansour, A Thabet, K Chourabi, AH Harrath, M Gtari, SY Al Omar, ...
Parasitology Research 112, 1737-1747, 2013
Comparative morphometric study of the invasive pearl oyster Pinctada radiata along the Tunisian coastline
S Tlig-Zouari, L Rabaoui, I Irathni, M Diawara, OK Ben Hassine
Biologia 65 (2), 294-300, 2010
Distribution and habitat of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca: Bivalvia) along the northern and eastern Tunisian coasts
L Rabaoui, S Tlig-Zouari, OK Ben Hassine
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 49 (1), 67, 2008
Distribution, habitat and population densities of the invasive species Pinctada radiata (Molluca: Bivalvia) along the Northern and Eastern coasts of Tunisia
S Tlig-Zouari, L Rabaoui, I Irathni, OK Ben Hassine
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 50 (2), 131, 2009
Copépodes parasites des poissons de Tunisie (première série)
A Raibaut, OK Ben Hassine, K Maamouri
Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Pêche Salammbô 2 (2), 169 - 197, 1971
Feeding habits of Pagellus acarne (Sparidae) in the Gulf of Tunis, central Mediterranean
R Fehri-Bedoui, E Mokrani, OK Ben Hassine
Scientia Marina 73 (4), 667-678, 2009
Impact de l’élevage sur la structure génétique des populations méditerranéennes de Dicentrarchus labrax
L Bahri Sfar, C Lemaire, B Chatain, P Divanach, OK Ben Hassine, ...
Aquatic Living Resources 18 (1), 71-76, 2005
Impact of management on the diversity of macrobenthic communities in Tunis north lagoon: systematics
M Diawara, S Zouari-Tlig, L Rabaoui, OK Ben Hassine
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 49 (1), 1-16, 2008
Incidence des déformations squelettiques chez trois espèces de Gobiidae de la lagune de Bizerte (Tunisie) / Incidence of skeletal deformities in three species of Gobiidae from …
I Louiz, D Menif, M Ben Attia, OK Ben Hassine
Cybium 31 (2), 209-216, 2007
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Articles 1–20