Steven G. Brandl
Cited by
Cited by
Global and specific attitudes toward the police: Disentangling the relationship
SG Brandl, J Frank, RE Worden, TS Bynum
Justice quarterly 11 (1), 119-134, 1994
Who are the complaint-prone officers?: An examination of the relationship between police officers' attributes, arrest activity, assignment, and citizens' complaints about …
SG Brandl, MS Stroshine, J Frank
Journal of criminal justice 29 (6), 521-529, 2001
Reassessing the impact of race on citizens' attitudes toward the police: A research note
J Frank, SG Brandl, FT Cullen, A Stichman
Justice Quarterly 13 (2), 321-334, 1996
An examination of the workplace experiences of police patrol officers: The role of race, sex, and sexual orientation
KD Hassell, SG Brandl
Police quarterly 12 (4), 408-430, 2009
Race, gender, and tokenism in policing: An empirical elaboration
MS Stroshine, SG Brandl
Police Quarterly 14 (4), 344-365, 2011
Crime-victim evaluation of police investigative performance
SG Brandl, F Horvath
Journal of criminal justice 19 (2), 109-121, 1991
The role of officer attributes, job characteristics, and arrest activity in explaining police use of force
SG Brandl, MS Stroshine
Criminal justice policy review 24 (5), 551-572, 2013
Toward an understanding of the physical hazards of police work
SG Brandl, MS Stroshine
Police Quarterly 6 (2), 172-191, 2003
The physical hazards of police work revisited
SG Brandl, MS Stroshine
Police quarterly 15 (3), 262-282, 2012
The content of community policing: A comparison of the daily activities of community and “beat” officers
J Frank, SG Brandl, R Cory Watkins
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 20 (4 …, 1997
Police in America
SG Brandl
Sage publications, 2020
In the line of duty: A descriptive analysis of police assaults and accidents
SG Brandl
Journal of criminal justice 24 (3), 255-264, 1996
Criminal investigation
SG Brandl
Sage Publications, 2017
The Relationshp between Evidence, Detective Effort, and the Disposition of Burglary and Robbery Investigations
SG Brandl, J Frank
Am. J. Police 13, 149, 1994
Oleoresin capsicum spray and TASERs: A comparison of factors predicting use and effectiveness
SG Brandl, MS Stroshine
Criminal justice policy review 28 (3), 279-306, 2017
Citizen involvement in the coproduction of police outputs
J Frank, SG Brandl, RE Worden, TS Bynum
Journal of crime and justice 19 (2), 1-30, 1996
On the measurement of public support for the police: A research note
SG Brandl, J Frank, J Wooldredge, R Cory Watkins
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 20 (3 …, 1997
Aggregation bias and the capacity for formal crime control: The determinants of total and disaggregated police force size in Milwaukee, 1934–1987
SG Brandl, MB Chamlin, J Frank
Justice Quarterly 12 (3), 543-562, 1995
Protocol analysis of police decision-making: Toward a theory of police behavior
RE Worden, SG Brandl
American journal of criminal justice 14, 297-318, 1990
The police attitude-behavior relationship: Methodological and conceptual considerations
J Frank, S Brandl
Am. J. Police 10, 83, 1991
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Articles 1–20